I'd like to have amusing but on-topic images for our 404 Page Not Found page on:
- Stack Overflow
- Server Fault
- Super User
- Meta
By on topic, I mean the 404 image on Stack Overflow should be a programmery "not found" of some kind, and the Super User one should be a power user's "not found", and so forth.
These images would be shown in addition to the existing 404 page text, so nothing is getting lost, we're just trying to inject a little fun into the process.
I'm having trouble coming up with anything. Any good suggestions? Post them as answers!
If your submission or suggestion is highly voted and meets the criteria outlined, it's likely to be deployed as the "official" 404 image for one of the trilogy sites …
EDIT: 404 page winners!
- Mark Rushakoff : Stack Overflow
- squillman : Server Fault
The other two I selected myself.