Every site help center has the page for "View a full list of privileges you can earn".
Example screen-shot for Unix & Linux:
It says "Privileges control what you can do on <site> Stack Exchange". But I found that chat related privileges:
- talk in chat
- create chat rooms
- create gallery chat rooms
are not site specific - rather, they are server specific (i.e SE, MSE and SO).
So, We should add some information about chat server like following:
###Note about Chat Servers and associated privileges There are three chat servers on the Stack Exchange network:
- Stack Exchange Chat, the main & combined chat site for All Sites except following two:
- Stack Overflow Chat for the Stack Overflow
- Meta Chat for the Meta Stack Exchange
Chat related privileges are not site specific but server specific.
Privileges apply based on your total reputation on the associated site(s):
- On Stack Overflow and Meta Stackexchange chat, privileges apply based on your reputation or moderator on the associated site.
- On the combined Stack Exchange chat site, privileges apply based on your total reputation over all sites concerned (i.e. all but Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Exchange).
Read more about chat privileges and reputation.
I've just proposed and example information that can be added to help center at chat privileges like talk in chat, create chat rooms and create gallery chat rooms (or at least 1st privileges page)
- Links form the Unix & Linux help center are used as example. Some information are provided from this post.
- I originally tagged this question as discussion but user recommend me to use bug
- Welcome/comment to any suggestion/improvement.