A lot of new users don't have much idea about how to ask or answer here at Stack Exchange. Then we get complaints that we are too strict and we are anti-new-user or some other conspiracy made up. But the thing is, the tour says:
Looking for more in-depth information about this site?
Clearly, this suggests that the Help Center is not necessary and everything in the tour is enough to ask a good question... NOT! Actually, comments directed to new users suggest that you are supposed to read the Help Center in the first place, so why not make the tour lead you in a path in which that it encourages you to read the important Help Center articles.
Let's do the following to all the tours:
- Put links into its respective section
For example, in the "Ask questions about..." section, add the link to the asking articles or the "How do I ask a good question" article. Especially for the voting section, where most users misinterpret how votes are used as downvotes are not explained and there is no Help Center link attached to help curious users learn about the voting system.
- Make the text next to the Help Center button more encouraging
Just change it to something like:
Please read the Help Center articles to improve everyone's experience at this site
So, can we add Help Center links into the tour and encourage new users to read those articles so they don't get confused and frustrated?