I recently asked in the SO.pt Meta about some edits made to my questions and answers where I wasn't notified in my inbox.
To test the "theory", I asked someone with a gold badge in a tag that I used in my question to make an edit in the question and the answer, and I did not receive a notification after editing.
The question was:
Converter objeto em json no php
and the answer was:
The user that edited has a gold badge in the PHP
tag on SO.pt. Is this rule applicable for the whole SE network? That is, edits made by someone who has a gold badge in one of the tags do not notify the OP?
I asked two members without a gold badge (in the question / answer tag) to do the same, and received notifications, as can be seen in this screen shot:
The revision's link:
https://pt.stackoverflow.com/posts/77689/revisions and https://pt.stackoverflow.com/posts/112597/revisions