I don't want to:
- install anything (e.g toolbar)
- type too much
Basically something that would show the SO or SF favicon and do a google site:stackoverflow.com search would be just fine - but I haven't found it
You can use Mycroft Project to find a search engine for Firefox
Today I was able to find 2 engines, one written by Alessandro Gentilini and labelled "Stack Overflow" and the other one written by Kalevi Onni and labelled "Stack Overflow (3rd Party - Google)".
I tried the first one and it is working just fine!
There is one for serverfault.com and another one for superuser.com both written by Soon Van and both functional.
This already exists and is served up by every site in the trilogy.
View source and look for
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"
title="Meta Stack Overflow" href="http://sstatic.net/mso/opensearch.xml">
Just use the little drop-down menu in the search bar next to the address bar on most browsers.
(It is a bit different in Google Chrome as Chrome has only one unified address bar, as Semi points out in his answer)
Alternately going to
Look for "search {site} with.." where you can type and press enter to use an alternative search engine:
I did this back in March of 2009:
<searchplugin xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/2006/browser/search/">
<shortname>Stack Overflow</shortname>
<description>Stack Overflow Google Search</description>
<img height="16" width="16" /></img>
<url template="http://www.google.com/search" method="GET" type="text/html">
<param value="site:stackoverflow.com {searchTerms}" name="q" />
<param value="utf-8" name="ie" />
<param value="utf-8" name="oe" />
<param value="t"name="aq" />
node. I'm going to delete my answer because this is, what the OP was asking for.
Oct 30, 2009 at 9:27
I would like to add that for any Google Chrome users reading this, just do this:
In Firefox, right-click on the search box and select 'Add a K eyword for this Search...'.
Then in your address bar you can go something like:
o <search string here>
Presuming you set the keyword to o for SO, of course :)
I do this with several custom search fields inside Firefox.
Add a _K_eyword for this Search...
either in the right-click or left-click menu
This functionality was added in Firefox 83
Firefox support: Add search engines, then you can tab-search like on Chrome.
substitution sequence works just fine. E.g. "URL"https://duckduckgo.com/html/?q=site%3Astackoverflow.com+%s
for searching on Stack Overflow with DuckDuckGo. There must be a solid reference somewhere on Super User.)