I just suscribed to a Newsletter. I immediately got the following email:

Welcome to the Lifehacks Newsletter!

You will receive the newsletter every Monday.

To subscribe to more newsletters, or manage your existing subscriptions, click here.

If the above link is not clickable, copy and paste this link into your web browser's address bar:


This makes me wonder:

Can you set up the day in which the newsletter will be sent? I did the test by changing &day=monday to &day=tuesday and the page that was created shows:

Thank you for signing up for the Lifehacks Newsletter! You will receive the newsletter every Tuesday.

However, it still mentions Monday in my Profile → Subscriptions.

1 Answer 1


The &day=monday is just a url parameter. It might control the day you get it, or it might just tell the browser what to display on the thank you page.

I suggest you just wait until Monday to find out.


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