Recently after adding the documentation section on Stack Overflow there seems to understandably be large amounts of questions from what we must assume are beginners to programming.
These questions usually get flagged as being either duplicates as there is already an answer or having no purpose on the site, or showing a lack of research as they are from beginners looking for fast answers.
(My opinion on the experience) As far as I'm aware there doesn't seem to be a way to flag it as being already covered in documentation or propose it to automatically be moved to a beginners questions section so they are not automatically flagged or deleted or down voted too much so it would help Stack Overflow retain the beginner users who could later help each other.
(question) So my question I guess firstly is this: How do you handle questions clearly from a beginner to both programming and the site fairly and do you feel there should be changes made to retain those users of the site and if so what changes would you like to see? And lastly, what kept you coming back to Stack Overflow if you had negative feedback early on?
...flag it as being already covered in documentation
← Oy, this should never ever ever never ever happen.