What happens to the reputation of users of a private beta when it is closed?
Is it counted anywhere on the SE network?
It seems to me that this may only appear for users who are active in Area 51, is this assumption correct?
What happens to the reputation of users of a private beta when it is closed?
Is it counted anywhere on the SE network?
It seems to me that this may only appear for users who are active in Area 51, is this assumption correct?
What happens to the reputation of users of a private beta when it is closed?
What does reputation mean on a closed site? I'd expect nothing, as the site is closed down - there are no users, there is no reputation.
Is it counted anywhere on the SE network?
No. The single possible exception is if that site is what caused the association bonus to apply, AFAIK, the association bonus will still apply even if the originating site is closed down (this would be extremely rare).
It seems to me that this may only appear for users who are active in Area51, is this assumption correct?
Yes. Area51 will still show the reputation earned on the site before it closed.
The combined network flair does not show reputation from closed sites. It is combining reputation from all sites where you have over 200 reputation.
If the site is closed, your reputation there no longer matters. The site is gone. Posts may be archived, but the site itself is no longer there.
If you fulfilled an Area 51 commitment on the site, then AFAIK your +50 rep on Area 51 should remain. You earned those points, and did your duty to try and keep the site alive. It would be unfair to take these from you.
Note that you only get these +50 after the private beta completes. If the site gets closed during public beta, you should get to keep those points. If the site does not survive private beta, then you never get those Area 51 points in the first place.
Some of the questions may get migrated to other Stack Exchange sites. If you have or open an account to this migration target, you will find that you have the appropriate amount of reputation points there.