I’m experiencing a very strange error these days; not sure if it started yesterday or two days ago. When trying to access the meta-sites of German, Travel, Anime & Manga and Academia. I get the following error message displayed as black text of my browser’s standard font on a white background:
We apologize for any inconvenience, but an unexpected error occurred while you were browsing our site. It’s not you, it’s us. This is our fault. Detailed information about this error has automatically been recorded and we have been notified.
For some weird reason, I can access TeX’s and Chemistry’s meta-sites without any problems.
This problem, as I saw earlier, only occurs when I am logged in. Just opening a browser and checking if German Meta was down, I was able to access it, and I was able to click the login button and log in. But once I was logged in, I got the error. The login process worked: When I entered German’s address into the address line I reached German and was logged in.
Further testing just reveals that it applies to all SE sites where I have an account except for TeX and Chemistry. Random tests in communities that I did not join allowed access to the respective metas.
Update: As of two days later, I can now again access Travel’s meta. German and A&M are still hidden. Maybe this issue will be resolved as meta server caches reset?