When you earn one tag badge, and then don't click "Track the next one" in the tag badge progress tracking box for a while, and then earn a second tag badge, that box continues to show "Congratulations, you earned [the same badge as before]", rather than updating to show that you've actually earned another tag badge since then.
For instance, right now my profile on Puzzling SE looks like this:
Even though I earned the "enigmatic-puzzle" tag badge a few weeks ago and then earned the "cipher" tag badge yesterday, my profile hasn't updated to show the new achievement.
I also didn't get the "cipher" tag badge until after the 3am watershed, even though tag badges usually appear as soon as I visit my profile after earning them (for instance, I earned the "tags" tag badge on meta.SFF.SE today the very instant I clicked on my own profile there after having become eligible for the badge). Even when I went to look at the list of my progress towards different tag badges on Puzzling, which I thought would jog the system into realising I'd actually earned the badge, "cipher" still showed up as 99/100 score even after I'd gone well past 100, until last night when the badge was finally awarded and "cipher" disappeared from my list of badges to track.
TL;DR: if I don't click "Track the next one", my tag badges update slower than they should.
It's a very unimportant bug, but there must be more people than just me who like to see the "Congratulations" thing there for a while and rest on their laurels before moving on to track their progress towards the next milestone.