You can only use SEDE for that. For a specific site the following query lists closed questions with the close reasons you asked:
select as [Post Link]
, crt.Name
, crt.Description
from posts p
inner join posthistory ph on ph.postid =
inner join closereasontypes crt on = cast(ph.comment as tinyint)
where ph.posthistorytypeid = 10 -- Close event
and p.closeddate is not null -- question is still closed
and p.posttypeid = 1 -- Question
and in
( 103 -- unclear
, 104 -- too broad
, 105 -- POB
order by closeddate desc
The query joins the posts table with posthistory and then filters on posthistorytypeid = 10 which indicates a closed event. In that row the comment field holds the foreignkey to the closereasonttypes. For Stack Overflow I had to add a top instruction to limit the number of results. Otherwise the query processor runs out of resources.
If you are unfamiliar with databases and SQL queries make sure to check out the SEDE Tutorial.
Keep in mind that SEDE is only updated updated once a week.