StackExchange / Stack Overflow were built on the premise that serving the developer community at large would lead to a better, smarter Internet but in my opinion the path that you have chose to reach that goal is a terribly slow one.
The Stack communities are full of great knowledgeable answers. To make the Internet better and smarter it’s going to take more than just answers. It’s going to take understanding and comprehension of those answers. The Internet is full of young and old minds yearning to comprehend. Isn’t discussion part of learning? How do people discuss some of the answers they find on the Stack sites? Isn’t discussion contributing?
My feature request is to expand your website to a sister website called, a place to discuss posts found on Stack sites in a more relaxed manner. By adding “Discuss this post on discussion.stackexchange” to the end of every thread like this mock up image:
You have the site where you talk about unicorns, and the meta site where you talk about the site where you talk about unicorns. What is needed is a place where the common user can talk about the knowledge represented on unicorns.
Currently, there are two main option to "discuss" a post: the chat and comments.
The chat, while more open to discussion, requires 20 reputation points to take part in. Adding comments on the question itself, if it's not your question, would instead take 50 reputation points, and that is not even considering that comments aren't meant for extended discussion in the first place. The spur-of-the-moment users will never reach that because they don’t strive to gain a reputation on the site. The site is just there for them as a means to comprehension, nothing more.
What is my definition of the spur-of-the-moment user? The spur-of-the-moment user is a general person just that is here to find comprehension to a question, someone that is busy doing their own project but needed understanding on some topic. They are not here to gain reputation and probably won't interact a lot with votes or by posting new content. How can someone gain reputation on a subject they are just learning? Especially if they are in competition with other more qualified users.
This community is the place for the discussion of this knowledge, since this is where the knowledge is located, not Quora or reddit. You don't have to participate in it if you don't want to. Lots of people will participate because they want others to learn.
There is entire market of people that will participate. The experts don't have to moderate the forum. Forums themselves attract the type of people that love to moderate them. The experts aren't required to participate but they will.
As a side notice, I would like to point out that comments are still one of the most abused feature here, often being used as a way to discuss over a post in a more "forum like" way.
Honestly, comments are the single most abused feature of Stack Exchange. However, they are also a very important part of stack exchange. 2
I think that people are heavily abusing your comment feature to try to have a voice. They will continue to abuse it if you ignore them, but give them an outlet to speak and you will resolve one of your huge problems. The abuse will drop drastically and you can continue doing the others things you love, with much less hindrance.
For those that feel this request is unclear I'll break it down for you.
"My feature request is" that statement means that following it will be some words that state my request
"to expand your website to a sister website called" means start a new web site that is called
"a place to discuss posts found on Stack sites in a more relaxed manner" This web site will be a place where posts can be discussed in an atmosphere not as militarized as this site.
"By adding “Discuss this post on discussion.stackexchange” to the end of every thread" I think this sentence is very self-explanatory if you look at the mockup picture.