Sometimes (more often than one would like), completely off-topic, unsalvagable questions get asked in the tags I monitor on Stack Overflow. Naturally, I vote to close these and usually post a comment referencing the help center, but I'd really like to completely fire-and-forget by pre-registering my vote-to-delete as well.
Here's a recent example:
Timepicker using only javascript is it possible?
I need time picker using only javascript is it possible if yes please share me the code
[javascript] [java]
(Yes, it was really tagged both.)
This question isn't on-topic for SO and never will be. It's pure noise. It was posted, closed within four minutes, and as of this writing is still sitting around half an hour later with +0/-15 votes and one lonely delete vote on it [mine] (it was eventually deleted ~40 minutes after being asked).
Here's how pre-registering would work:
- I vote to close
- I click the now-visible delete link
- The site confirms that I want to pre-register my vote-to-delete
- I say yes, and my pre-registered vote is recorded; this has no effect on the number of delete votes I have remaining for the day (see 6.2 below)
- If the question is edited before it's closed, my pre-registered vote is thrown away (without preventing me manually coming back to vote to delete later if it's appropriate)
- If not, when the question is closed, then:
- If I still have delete votes left for the day, my pre-registered vote is turned into a real delete vote
- If not, it's just discarded
This ensures that a truly poor content is cleaned up quickly and doesn't require folks like me to come back later to delete it, while allowing for the possibility that the content will be improved (by throwing out the pre-registered vote if the question is edited).
Now that users can see their recent deleted questions, there's no real impetus to keep them lingering on the site.
It's a small thing, but I'd find it useful.
Here's another recent example:
How to open a popup every 5 seconds in a website
I needed a code which will open a popup every 5 seconds in my website. The popup link would be same.
[javascript] [popup] [popupwindow]
Two hours later still waiting for the final vote-to-close.
And another:
how to use this site of java function?
The word in square brackets is the alt text, which gets displayed if the browser can't show the image. Be sure to include meaningful alt text for screen-reading software. 然后一群中国人在这里的文字,我改变了,如果它是巧妙的冒犯
This is just nonsense (the Chinese text I changed above translated as gibberish, but that could be Google Translate), and quite possibly posted by someone intentionally trying to waste people's time. Vote to close, vote to delete, move on.
And another:
Addition of consecutive elements in an array
How can I perform consecutive addition of elements in an array? So that for the input
the output would be{3,5,7,9,6}
And another:
I am new for Mailinaotr API. Anybodya has working java code?
I am working on the sample script provided on Github to read and delete mails using mailinator API. But I am not able to run it properly. Anybody have the working code to access mails using mailinator?
[java] [mailinator]
I won't keep adding examples ad infinitum. Suffice to say that I'd be using this every day, usually multiple times a day.