For the Polymath and Running Ragged hats, does Meta Stack Overflow count? What about the alternate language SO's?
2 Answers
Only the English Stack Overflow is counted: those hats counterbalance the English-SO-only hats (for documentation and developer story).
Source: I implemented the hats.
@StephenLeppik Snaphat - you've got one too many letters. An easy mistake to make. Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 0:44
1"Source: I implemented the hats." CITATION NEEDED! blah blah blah, overeliance on primary source blah blah... oh wait. Roughly as canonical as it gets Never mind. ;p Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 1:43
It says Stack Overflow. There is only one Stack Overflow and its
Running Ragged
earn 150 reputation points on three different sites (not including Stack Overflow) within 15 days.
Notice there is no s.
4Meta Stack Overflow is kinda sorta part of Stack Overflow, though. This needs clarification from the team, really. Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 0:34
3@ArtOfCode but you can't earn any rep on Meta SO, or to be exact, the rep on Meta SO is rep you earned on SO.– EranCommented Dec 19, 2016 at 0:41