Recently, on AskUbuntu, we (chat) were clearing out queues as normal, but then we noticed something strange.

Typically, the 10k+ flag/queue counter is pretty up-to-date in the topbar, which includes ineligible reviews (reviews already completed, etc). And, our review queue counter says 0:

However, the review queue itself was not empty:

Why did the (real) count of 6 suddenly vanish from our topbars? Is this a bug?

1 Answer 1


That counter, among being cache ladened to the point of being almost meaningless, shows the available reviews left for you to do, not the total count of reviews left.

So while there are, say 6, review left to do; if you have already reviewed them, or maxed out your daily limits, then you have 0 you can do.

See these questions for more information on this topic.
What does the number next to the review link in the top bar actually mean?
Review Items counter is stuck

  • 1
    But, this answer conflicts the point discussed that it's only mine. And, I've seen that number be non-zero when my personal queue is zero.
    – Kaz Wolfe
    Dec 25, 2016 at 2:36

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