How, exactly, are all the Area 51 beta stats calculated?
This shows an answer ratio of 2.0. Yet, unless my query is broken, I couldn't get that number (even with today's freshly updated SEDE data):
What Answers Questions AnswersPerQuestion
-------------------- ------- --------- ------------------
All 444 252 1.761904761904
All not deleted 429 229 1.873362445414
Open and not deleted 401 208 1.927884615384
Or, for example, questions per day yields:
All 6.461538461538
All not deleted 5.871794871794
Open and not deleted 5.333333333333
None of these are 3.4.
I'm using the above specific stats as examples but I'd like to know how every stat there is calculated. I haven't been able to calculate any stats that match any of those displayed for a site, for all of the stats listed there. The FAQ is silent on the matter, no help center exists, and so far my MSE searches have been fruitless.
The question ends here. Everything below is me doing experiments to try and figure this out based on answers and theories and such.
SEDE was updated this morning so now is a good time.
Questions per day. Going off suggestion to look at past two weeks, this query shows # days on X axis and questions / day over that number of days in the past:
It crosses the line a few times but also confirms a 14 day history for non-deleted questions. It is not clear yet if closed questions are counted. Also there is a tool-tip over the Area 51 stat that says "past two weeks".
% Answered
No idea. Did not investigate thoroughly, however.
Avid Users
Definitely >= 200 rep, confirmed. Total users seems to be the obvious although its tool tip is incorrect (it also says "over 200 rep" in the tool tip).
Answer Ratio
Similar query as above:
From this:
- It is definitely not past 14 days.
- It appears to be either the maximum value ever obtained for open, non-deleted questions, or it's the average over the past 37 days. Both are weird.
- However, for this I filter based on question creation date. Maybe the real criteria is different.
The DevOps page itself today says 431 / 230 = 1.87 in the side bar, so that's not it.
Visits / Day
Did not verify, but:
- Area 51 value (269, currently) matches value at
- Tooltip on sites page says "median visits per day over the past two weeks".
So it's probably safe to say that this one is median visits per day over past two weeks.