I was told on meta.rpg that this question makes more sense here since it is about general site operation:
I would like to change my profile, but for some reason the profile page breaks because I blocked scripts from maps.googleapis.com. Whatever map feature that is, it cannot be so essential to the site that the page should not need to bother with graceful degradation, can it?
Also I know the Google recaptcha is a really handy thing, but aside from allowing Google to track stackexchange users, recaptcha is also hardly the most secure captcha.
Even the ajax.googleapis.com could be backed by secondary cdns easily.
My point is, it shouldn't be hard to modify the site to allow its use to users who block Google scripts. Maybe I am just 'one of those', but in my experience a suprising amount of people seek to avoid Google tracking. So wouldn't it be worth the (little) effort?
I see a similar question at "Cannot save Stack Exchange profile when maps.googleapis.com is blocked", but at least on rpg.stackexchange the mentioned fix has not occured yet.
Note: ajax.googleapis.com is whitelisted. The console tells me google is not defined
and not all fromgoogleapis.com
? jQuery is loaded fromajax.googleapis.com
so if you block all of googleapis you block jquery