I'm thinking of tackling a question that's a few months old, but have no way to tell without looking at their profile whether the OP still uses SO regularly, and therefore whether they're likely to even notice my answer in a timely way, or not.
Would it be a good idea for there to be some sort of way of telling whether the OP is still active, and how active they are, without having to go to their page for questions that are fairly old? The accept rate is handy, but after a certain amount of time, say one month, the question of whether the OP is still invested in the site seems to me to be more relevant, especially for users with low rep.
I know I can see their 'Seen' attribute on their profile page, but that's an extra page load for that small piece of information. How about a colour-coded image, or something, to crudely indicate, for old questions, roughly how active a user is?
EDIT: Gave this to Manni for following through the possible consequences of this request/point, but still find it relevant to know whether the OP is likely to see an answer, since it's often easier to answer the question if the OP can help you refine your answer. 'Answering for the world' is too abstract for me - I'm actually answering a question written by an individual. Whether that individual is still around makes a difference, to me at least.