On my CV Steven Hicks, the University name is being truncated. I've selected my University from the drop down but when saving it saves the value as "University Of Nort Carol" rather than the full name (Carolina at Charlotte).
3 Answers
This is based on some client-side javascript issues with the autocomplete -- don't autocomplete if you're running into this, hit ESC and enter it manually.
However, we also have a fix in place so when you click [Save], it should correct this!
I believe the fix was deployed around 8 am PST -- try again and see. Commented Nov 13, 2009 at 23:19
Ah yes - I remember now. I eventually "fixed" my problem by typing it in full and not using the auto-complete. Commented Nov 14, 2009 at 1:08
I had this with my university, but editing it again sorted the problem out. It now displays in full.
Funny thing - my first school, "Hudson Valley Community College", renders properly.
I wonder if it has to do with non-capitalized words in the name?
(pure speculation)