When I am review-banned, the direct effect is that when I click the review icon in the top-bar, I get this:

clicking the review button when review banned

This doesn’t tell me anything about what's going on, just that all review queues have miraculously become unavailable to me. It doesn't show that it's because I've been banned, or why I've been banned, whether it's for failing audits or whether there is a custom message supplied by a moderator. Only when I new-tab-click that button, it takes me to /review, or when I manually navigate there, I get the more informative message, as intended:

Review ban message only shown when opening review dropdown in a new tab, or manually going to /review

This is confusing for review-banned users who use the dropdown in their standard workflow (example). I only performed the above test to reproduce the experience of a confused review-banned user on a site I moderate.

Please replace the dropdown message with something more informative in case of a review ban.

  • 2
    At first I thought there's nothing wrong with it since it implies that the user lost the privilege even though they has enough rep (well, there's only 1 possible reason: review ban). However, since the message & cooldown timer get lost, this is indeed a bigger problem (or the main issue). Commented Nov 23, 2017 at 9:05
  • 4
    @AndrewT.: it implies that the user lost the privilege even though they has enough rep – Not necessarily. It could be understood to mean that this is the default if all review queues happen to be empty (which never happens on some sites, so how would you know?). You also get the same message on a per-site meta if you are somewhere between 500 and 2 k reputation (or the respective beta equivalents).
    – Wrzlprmft
    Commented Nov 23, 2017 at 9:14
  • 2
    Related: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/293479/…
    – Shog9
    Commented Dec 9, 2017 at 3:45
  • 3
    Possible duplicate of "There are no review queues available to you" - Hey? Commented Sep 20, 2018 at 10:07
  • 8
    @ShadowtheWelcomingWizard Not a duplicate. While I now do agree that that other post should be kept open, this one should be kept open too. The other one is a support question asking why this message appears, for which the answer is that one is review banned; this one is a bug report asking for it to be fixed. Commented Sep 20, 2018 at 10:28
  • 2

1 Answer 1


The review dropdown now let's the review suspended user know about their review suspension, and directs them to the /review page where a more detailed notice is available. Read about our new improved experience for users with review suspensions for more info.

Screenshot of the topbar review dropdown messaging during and after a review suspension is in effect

review suspended,
don’t know why it was applied?
go and click the link

  • 1
    Yaakov, I just saw at MSO complaint that user can't see for how long they are suspended. And screen shot text seems to differ from one you show here. Is this some regression or intentional, or maybe I miss something?
    – gnat
    Commented Jul 24, 2020 at 0:04
  • 2
    Not a regression, @gnat. That's a suspension from suggested edits, which is completely separate from review queues. It's never shown the duration of the suspension. Mods just usually remember to put it in the message accompanying the suspension. Would certainly be nice if that UI can get improved as part of this project, but suggested edits may not be in scope.
    – Cody Gray
    Commented Jul 24, 2020 at 1:05

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