How you can get a list of all the comments you have written? There is the "recent" -tab in user information but that lists only the 50 or so last events.
4 Answers
The way to do this now is to go to your activity tab and then select the comments grouping.
This will show them, most recent first, paginated.
Go here:
Enter this as a query:
select * from comments where userid = 1431
is there anyway to see the votes you have in a comment? is that included in the dump? Commented Aug 5, 2009 at 21:01
1You can now. The comments table has a score column containing the number of upvotes. (I suppose that's what orique's now deleted comment said?) Commented Nov 24, 2014 at 18:56
@PaoloBergantino this one sorts by comment votes -->… Nice shot in the arm to go back and see what resonated. (Remember to use user NUMBER not name.) Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 23:37
The only logical way would be through the data dump. Right now there is no other mechanism in the system to go back and time and see all of your comments. Unless you wrote some kind of script that trolled through every one of your questions and answers and looked for comments you wrote.