For the last six months, I was banned from asking questions until I edited my old ones. It looks like it was just recently lifted but I am confused about how to edit old, existing questions so that I can avoid a ban in the future. Due to still being a fairly new programmer, I have a lot of old questions that I wouldn't ask now. Because of this, I have a lot of old questions that shouldn't exist.
One of my very first questions was about the equality operator in javascript: Why does my program always print the first condition regardless of user input?. It received 0 upvotes. I plan at some point to edit this question for clarity but I also am not sure what the point of this would be. There are already plenty of questions on Stack Overflow about the difference between equality operators (i.e. =
vs. ==
) so it seems like editing the question, which is what the Help Center tells you to do, is counter-intuitive to spending time on a question that should not have existed in the first place. On top of this, you can't even delete the question since that can get you banned as well.
How am I supposed to navigate this paradox? What is the point of spending time editing old questions when they won't be relevant to anyone?