In our profile's activity, we are shown our recent badge earned and shows next possible badge we can earn. We can also select which badge's progress to show. On some sites (I tested on Hinduism, Movies&TV and Vegetarianism), I have noticed that clicking on "Go get it" for "Research Assistant" redirects to preferences page in our profile settings. To be precise, It redirects to "favorite tag preferences"
If I am not wrong, it should redirect to "Tags" page of respective site. However, this is normal on many sites and redirects to Tags page (Tested on Meta Stack Exchange, English Language & Learners, Ask Ubuntu, Arqade).
Edit: Clicking on "Go Get it" for Copy Editor badge in activity redirects to Low Quality Posts review queue.
I would like to know the reason behind the redirection to profile page (in case of Research Assistant) and review queue (for Copy Editor).