
  • Answers will occasionally be moved to the Sandbox archive when there are too many of them. When using them to report bugs, keep an eye on the post.

  • You may also want to take a look at the Stack Exchange's Sandbox chat room

  • This site, Meta Stack Exchange, is usually used as a "test bed" for pending changes happening to the way text is rendered on all network sites. Changes to text rendering that are going to be rolled out to the network are usually deployed here first to test them out and fix any potential glitches. Currently, there are no such changes pending, but if there were, keep in mind that text posted here may render differently from the other sites until the changes roll out to them as well.

As per Jeff's suggestion in this comment:

You can use this question as a formatting sandbox. You can:

  • edit this question itself (Community Wiki questions such as this one require only 100 reputation to edit instead of 2,000)
  • post answers to this question (This question might be protected, requiring earning 10 reputation on this site to answer)
  • post comments to this question or its answers
  • test suspected bugs with the editor or the rendering
  • post ponies (only when mods are asleep)

Beware that since the changes to syntax highlighting in December 2010, and the inline hints added in March 2011, no syntax highlighting is applied unless the question's tags or an inline hint enable it. So, to test highlighting here in the sandbox:

  1. As of January 8, 2019, you can use GitHub-flavor fenced code blocks in your posts, specifying the language after the opening fence:

    While not hinted otherwise: <html></html> source <b>goes</b> "here".
    var a = 3;
    while (not (a > 0)) {
        alert("JavaScript code <b>goes</b> here.");
  2. Or:

    • Create code blocks in any way (using the fence notation above, the four-space indent form, or using HTML <pre><code> tags).

    • Save your post!

    • Use your browser's developer tools to edit the resulting HTML. To open developer tools, press F12, or ⌥⌘ I on Mac.

    • Find the <pre> element and add the attribute class="prettyprint", or change it into one of the valid syntax hints linked above, like class="lang-vb prettyprint".

    • Run the following in the location bar: javascript:prettyPrint(); or prettyPrint() in the console.

Answers that are considered annoying or obnoxious, or that cause breakage for users, will be deleted. This is codified as a policy as of March 29, 2018.


296 Answers 296

3 4 5

Test to determine if language specifier is case-sensitive for this question

All lowercase:

for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:
for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:

All caps:

for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:
for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:

Language name all caps:

for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:
for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:

All mixed caps:

for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:
for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:

Language name mixed caps:

for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:
for i in range(10):
    if i % 2:

Testing font support for the glyphs used by the programming language Uiua in default monospace fonts for StackExchange on different systems.

◠ (above)
⌵ (absolute value)
+ (add)
⍤ (assert)
∠ (atangent)
¨ (backward)
◡ (below)
⋯ (bits)
∩ (both)
□ (box)
⊓ (bracket)
⤙ (but)
⊸ (by)
⌈ (ceiling)
⑄ (chunks)
⊛ (classify)
ℂ (complex)
◇ (content)
⟔ (coordinate)
⊟ (couple)
◴ (deduplicate)
♭ (deshape)
⊙ (dip)
÷ (divide)
⍢ (do)
↘ (drop)
. (duplicate)
∵ (each)
= (equals)
η (eta)
⍖ (fall)
⬚ (fill)
⌕ (find)
⊢ (first)
¤ (fix)
: (flip)
⌊ (floor)
∧ (fold)
⊃ (fork)
⋅ (gap)
≥ (greater or equal)
> (greater than)
⊕ (group)
∘ (identity)
⊗ (indexof)
∞ (infinity)
⍚ (inventory)
⊂ (join)
▽ (keep)
⧻ (length)
≤ (less or equal)
< (less than)
ₙ (logarithm)
⦷ (mask)
≍ (match)
↥ (maximum)
∊ (member)
∈ (memberof)
↧ (minimum)
◿ (modulus)
× (multiply)
¯ (negate)
¬ (not)
≠ (not equals)
⟜ (on)
⮌ (orient)
, (over)
⋕ (parse)
⊜ (partition)
π (pi)
⊡ (pick)
◌ (pop)
ⁿ (power)
⚂ (random)
⇡ (range)
/ (reduce)
⍥ (repeat)
☇ (rerank)
↯ (reshape)
⇌ (reverse)
⍏ (rise)
↻ (rotate)
⁅ (round)
≡ (rows)
\ (scan)
⊏ (select)
△ (shape)
± (sign)
∿ (sine)
⍆ (sort)
√ (sqrt)
? (stack)
- (subtract)
⨬ (switch)
⊞ (table)
↙ (take)
τ (tau)
⸮ (trace)
⍉ (transpose)
◹ (triangle)
⍣ (try)
° (un)
⍜ (under)
◰ (unique)
⊚ (where)
◫ (windows)
⤚ (with)
  • Testing alternate glyph for ⤸ (orient) Commented Sep 9 at 21:01
  • @KaiSchmidt I can see that on ios and macosx
    – Jacob
    Commented Sep 9 at 21:47

http://[::1] works in the preview (and I assume also after submitting the post)

with markdown: http://[::1]

  • 1
    but it does not auto-detect the link in a comment: http://[::1]/ also not when I try to format it with markdown: [http://[::1]/](http://[::1]/)
    – Luc
    Commented May 29, 2019 at 11:24

@muru’s space formatting test displays

enter image description here

on my system.

  • Hmm, it works on Firefox, Chrome, Safari on macOS, but doesn't on Firefox or Chrome on Android or Safari or Chrome on iOS (where inline code spans are broken in other ways anyway). Guess there's no good way here.
    – muru
    Commented Jun 4, 2019 at 5:39

The <ol start> attribute vs. Markdown lists:

  1. Item #1
  2. Item #2
  3. Item #3
  1. Item #2
  2. Item #3
  1. Item #9
  2. Item #14
  1. Item #8

(Recreation of the example post from this upcoming blockquote change announcement.)

Quotes are cool:

But are they?
How do they work?

Do they work and look good?

What about wtht code
And other stuff?
Seems OK.

That's not bad.

Quotes all the way down? Turtles Should we set a max quote depth?

Actual code above:

>>>>>>> Quotes all the way down?    
>>>>> Turtles    
>>> Should we set a max quote depth?

Now the same thing but with empty lines between each line:

Quotes all the way down?


Should we set a max quote depth?

Markdown above:

>>>>>>> Quotes all the way down?   

>>>>> Turtles    

>>> Should we set a max quote depth?

Quoting headers?



Quoting headers.



What about images:

In the proposed example, this style: outline: 10px solid #ddd; was added to the existing css rule: .post-text blockquote img, .... It's crude, but it provides that much needed border around the image differentiating it from the white background, while also making it obvious that it's part of the quote.

An empty quote block? Nope, that's a spoiler!

There's actually a non-breaking space character in it.

Here's a spoiler block with some text inside:

Gandalf is Magneto!

Both quote blocks above contain only a single line, but notice the height difference because the first one doesn't contain any visible characters.

What about quotes with spoilers?


! With spoilers?

Curiosity killed the cat!

Indeed it does not work if they're on the same level, but works if they spoiler has an extra > relative to the current quote count of >'s.

Quote block with a spoiler block with an image inside:

  • List

Unindented snippet

  • List

    Indented snippet

    Continuing list's indent level... Things written here fail to render correctly in the preview (show up as code block), but works when posted... Try it by clicking edit

    I suspect that it's because of the edit above snippet button


How CommonMark renders the markdown preview (observed when editing a post) for various Internet top-level domains (TLD)

Bug: meta.so meta.se (reference: https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/349028/241919)

Original top-level domains: example.com example.net example.org example.gov example.edu

Infrastructure top-level domain: example.arpa

Country code top-level domains: example.de example.fr example.us example.so (Somalia) example.se (Sweden)

ICANN-era generic top-level domains: example.academy example.aero example.app example.auto example.blog example.coop

Geographic top-level domains: example.africa example.asia example.paris

Brand top-level domains: example.abc example.bing

Special-Use Domains: example.example example.onion example.test example.local

  • this is a comment OVERFL..! NAME FSTYPE MOUNTPOINT RO sda 0 └─sda1 ntfs /media/D:Drive 0 sdb 0 ├─sdb1 vfat 0 └─sdb2 ext4 / 0 sr0 iso9660 /media/peter/BT Adapter 0 nvme0n1 0 ├─nvme0n1p1 ntfs 0 ├─nvme0n1p2 vfat /boot/efi 0 ├─nvme0n1p3 0 └─nvme0n1p4 ntfs 0 Commented Oct 8, 2020 at 9:50
  • This is a normal long comment. The content of the comment is correctly bound. This is a normal long comment. The content of the comment is correctly bound. This is a normal long comment. The content of the comment is correctly bound. This is a normal long comment. The content of the comment is correctly bound. This is a normal long comment. The content of the comment is correctly bound. This is a normal long comment. The content of the comment is correctly bound. Commented Nov 29, 2020 at 13:57
  • this is a comment OVERFL..! NAME FSTYPE MOUNTPOINT RO sda 0 └─sda1 ntfs /media/D:Drive 0 sdb 0 ├─sdb1 vfat 0 └─sdb2 ext4 / 0 sr0 iso9660 /media/peter/BT Adapter 0 nvme0n1 0 ├─nvme0n1p1 ntfs 0 ├─nvme0n1p2 vfat /boot/efi 0 ├─nvme0n1p3 0 └─nvme0n1p4 ntfs 0
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Nov 30, 2020 at 0:45

This is a test of commonmark blockquote

One level

Two Levels

Three Levels

Four levels

WE MUST GO DEEPER! (Seeing if quote levels are cumulative)


Testing code snippet

<!doctype html>
<title>HTML Test</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Say hello world until the user starts questioning
// the meaningfulness of their existence.
function helloWorld(world) {
  for (var i = 42; --i >= 0;) {
    alert('Hello ' + String(world));
<style type="text/css">
p { color: pink }
b { color: blue }
u { color: "umber" }
<h1>Hello world!</h1>


Link just after a special character









(Now see the above links in edit preview.)

Link separated from the special character by a space

REFERENCE: https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/349611/771581

Also, this bug seems to be specific with a special character.: REFERENCEhttps://meta.stackexchange.com/a/349611/771581

HEader1 Header2
Cell1 >alert(1)

Markdown spoiler:

testing spoilers

code spoiler! scroll this way to see:                                                                                                                        SPOILER!!!

→ HTML special characters! ←

&rarr; HTML special characters! &larr;

The Non-comprehensive Formatting Test

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world











La La La

La La La La La

La La La







Test Magic links:

[meta] – link to the current site's Meta; link text is the site name (e.g. "Meta Super User"). Does nothing if the site doesn't have (or already is) a Meta site.

[main] – like [meta], just the other way around.

[edit] – link to the edit page for the post the comment is on, i.e. /posts/{id}/edit. Link text is "edit" (capitalization is respected).

Help center links. Link text for all of these is "help center": [help] should be obvious. [meta-help] links to "What is meta?" (/help/whats-meta) [help/on-topic] links to "What topics can I ask about here?" (/help/on-topic) [help/dont-ask] links to "What types of questions should I avoid asking?" (/help/dont-ask) [help/behavior] links to "What kind of behavior is expected of users?" (/help/behavior).

[tour] and [meta-tour] – equivalent to the FAQ version, but links to the site's Tour page (resp. the meta site's Tour page). Link text is "tour" (capitalization is respected). Legacy names [about] and [meta-about] are still supported.

[ask] – link to the "How to Ask" page

[answer] – link to the "How to Answer" page.

Links to the front page of Stack Exchange sites (link text is the site name): [so] – link to Stack Overflow [su] – link to Super User [sf] – link to Server Fault [metase]/[meta.se] – link to Meta Stack Exchange [ubuntu.se] – link to Ask Ubuntu [mathoverflow.se] – link to MathOverflow [a51] – link to Area 51 [se] – link to the Stack Exchange Localized Stack Overflow sites can be linked as [es.so] – link to Stack Overflow en español [ja.so] – link to スタック・オーバーフロー [pt.so] – link to Stack Overflow em Português [ru.so] – link to Stack Overflow на русском All other Stack Exchange sites, except Stack Apps: [something.se] – link to something.stackexchange.com, if that site exists. Link text is the site name. [sitename.meta.se] or [meta.sitename.se] – link to a site-specific Meta site. Link text is "Meta ".

[chat] – link to the current site's chat site ne showing a list of active rooms from the referring site), the link text being "{site name} Chat".

On Stack Overflow and localized Stack Overflow sites: [mcve], [reprex], [repro], [mre] and [example] – link to the Minimal Complete & Verifiable Example page for the site.

Tags (these work in questions, answers, comments, and chat, but are not formatted as tags in comments): [Note that if you're on meta, will still point to the main site. Except on Meta Stack Exchange, which doesn't have a main, makes no difference from .] creates a link to the named tag on the main site. creates a link to a tag on meta. The text is linked

Supported magic links in chat

In chat, only a limited subset of the magic links listed for comments work, plus one chat-specific magic link.

Chat supports the following magic links: [meta], [main], [ask], [answer], all the links to specific sites, and tag links (with tag formatting). Chat also adds [chat-faq], which results in "chat faq".

The tag magic links work as expected on Stack Overflow Chat and Meta Stack Exchange Chat. However, on Stack Exchange Chat, the chat room in which you use the magic link must be associated with a specific Stack Exchange site, and will take on the formatting of tags on that site.


Testing fairly manual matjax conversion and very makeshift psudocode instructions

S₀ S₁ S₂ S₃ S₄ S₅ S₆ S₇
0 3 15 8 0 1 15 7
1 8 12 6 15 15 5 2
2 15 2 7 11 8 2 12
3 1 7 9 8 3 11 5
4 10 9 3 12 12 4 8
5 6 0 12 9 0 10 4
6 5 5 10 6 11 9 6
7 11 10 15 3 6 12 11
8 14 1 13 13 2 0 14
9 13 11 1 1 5 3 9
10 4 14 14 2 4 14 1
11 2 8 4 4 10 8 15
12 7 6 0 10 9 13 13
13 0 13 11 7 14 6 3
14 9 3 5 5 7 7 10
15 12 4 2 14 13 1 0

REMOVE \begin{equation} \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline


\hline \end{array} \end{equation}

replace \n with \n| SPACE replace & with SPACE SPACE | SPACE replace \ with SPACE SPACE |




remove |text{Input}

remove }

Unicode subscripts ₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₀

add header


Testing leading spaces: false false

` false` <code> false</code>

enter image description here

Without custom CSS:

enter image description here

  • foo( , bar)
    – muru
    Commented Aug 26, 2019 at 8:20

Didn't think my previous answer could fit some more stuff, soooooooooo... Hmm... Hmm...

Apparently tag ending for <kbd> is strange.

something Interesting...


my code


This is my table.
> something
Oh, so markdown doesn't work in tables. Heard of that before.
>! spoiler



Looks like, at some point in the last 3 months, all 4 Markdown language hints were made equivalent.
Previously, the first (lang-markdown) highlighted differently than the other 3, but all 4 look just like the first now.

Markdown highlighting test:


# Sample Output


another heading

> quote text

`code text`

_italic_ *italic*

__bold__ **bold**

***bold AND italic***

lang-md/ lang-mkdown/ lang-mkd

# Sample Output


another heading

> quote text

`code text`

_italic_ *italic*

__bold__ **bold**

***bold AND italic***
This heading was added to test if the IDs assigned to headings change

It looks like H4, H5, and H6 elements were added to the CSS. This is to test to see if they are live on the site for user contributions.

Using Markdown:

An H1 (Markdown)

An H2 (Markdown)

An H3 (Markdown)

An H4 (Markdown)

An H5 (Markdown)
An H6 (Markdown)

Using HTML:

An H1 (HTML)

An H2 (HTML)

An H3 (HTML)

An H4 (HTML)

An H5 (HTML)
An H6 (HTML)

Using HTML with an id attribute (expected to be stripped):

An H1 (HTML)

An H2 (HTML)

An H3 (HTML)

An H4 (HTML)

An H5 (HTML)
An H6 (HTML)

More testing for automatic generation of id and static assignment.

  1. Fun with lists and headings:

    1. Issue 1: This is an h5 in a ordered list
    2. Issue 2: This is an h5 in a ordered list
    3. Issue 3: This is an h5 in a ordered list
  2. This is the same thing in HTML:

    1. Issue 1 (HTML):
    2. Issue 2 (HTML):
    3. Issue 3 (HTML):
  3. HTML with a static id attribute for each <h5>:

    In the preview rendering, the <h5> elements are stripped, but content is displayed.

    1. Issue 1 (HTML with static ID):
    2. Issue 2 (HTML with static ID):
    3. Issue 3 (HTML with static ID):
  • So h4-h6 id attributes aren't stripped?
    – zcoop98
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 14:41
  • 1
    @zcoop98 Tests here show: IDs are stripped in preview, but not backend processing. Custom IDs are not necessarily modified to make then unique to the post. So far, it's not clear if it's possible to have the ID conflict with another post, or even an ID which SE uses in their HTML. If the elements weren't stripped, I would have expected the IDs to be modified to add the post ID in order to force them to be unique to the post ID. So far, it appears that the ones SE auto-adds do have a hash of some type, but that the hash is not invariant (i.e. auto-IDs may change when the post is edited)
    – Makyen
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 15:01
  • @zcoop98 Some of the elements which you show in your screenshot I don't see in the page. I'm assuming that you have an extension or userscript which adds all the <a class="js-named-anchor"> elements, because I don't see them in the HTML that I receive from SE.
    – Makyen
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 15:08
  • Good point! Here's one with everything disabled (I didn't even realize that I had a script messing with headings... the more you know I guess. Looks like it's the Post Headers & Question TOC script).
    – zcoop98
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 15:21
  • (Now I just feel silly for never connecting "post headers" to "headings in posts" in my head lol; I always assumed that title referred to the banner the script places above posts)
    – zcoop98
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 15:33
  • 1
    PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS ANSWER. If you edit this answer, then it's usefulness will be destroyed, as the HTML will be regenerated differently than it currently is. SE's Markdown->HTML rendering changed after this answer was last edited to remove the feature which this answer was testing. If you want to play with the Markdown for this answer, I created a near-duplicate answer after SE made the change in Markdown->HTML rendering.
    – Makyen
    Commented Mar 20, 2022 at 17:03
  • 1
    If this answer does get edited, an archive is available: web.archive.org/web/20230117184807/https://…
    – Makyen
    Commented Jan 17, 2023 at 19:14

Test using <!-- language: lang-none --> (i.e. should NOT have syntax highlighting)

Where indicated, the following sections are separately preceded by a line which contains <!-- language: lang-none -->, which should still prevent application of syntax highlighting. Note that using HTML comments to apply code formatting is deprecated.

In code fences
With <!-- language: lang-none -->
var parent=document.getElementById('parent');
var child=document.getElementById('child');
var preventChild=document.getElementById('preventChild');
Without <!-- language: lang-none -->
var parent=document.getElementById('parent');
var child=document.getElementById('child');
var preventChild=document.getElementById('preventChild');
Using 4 space indent
With <!-- language: lang-none -->
var parent=document.getElementById('parent');
var child=document.getElementById('child');
var preventChild=document.getElementById('preventChild');
Without <!-- language: lang-none -->
var parent=document.getElementById('parent');
var child=document.getElementById('child');
var preventChild=document.getElementById('preventChild');
In HTML <pre><code>
With <!-- language: lang-none -->
var parent=document.getElementById('parent');
var child=document.getElementById('child');
var preventChild=document.getElementById('preventChild');
Without <!-- language: lang-none -->
var parent=document.getElementById('parent');
var child=document.getElementById('child');
var preventChild=document.getElementById('preventChild');

All of the above function as expected in the preview below the text input while editing.

  • T̶h̵i̵s̵ ̵i̵s̵ ̵s̵t̵r̵i̵k̵e̵o̵u̵t̵.̵
    – Makyen
    Commented Nov 3, 2021 at 16:55

Hmm, does pipenv --support (or similarly styled support config dump) work well in a question or answer? Let's find out (edited some content out for size).

Notice the <details><summary>heading</summary>...</details> used to obtain collapsed-by-default section in, e.g., GitHub issues doesn't work here:

$ pipenv --support

Pipenv version: '2018.11.26'

Pipenv location: '/usr/local/Cellar/pipenv/2018.11.26_2/libexec/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pipenv'

Python location: '/usr/local/Cellar/pipenv/2018.11.26_2/libexec/bin/python3.7'

Python installations found:

  • 3.7.2: /usr/local/bin/python3
  • 3.7.2: /usr/local/bin/python3.7m
  • 2.7.16: /usr/local/bin/python
  • 2.7.16: /usr/local/bin/pythonw
  • 2.7.10: /usr/bin/python
  • 2.7.10: /usr/bin/pythonw
  • 2.7.10: /usr/bin/python2.7

PEP 508 Information:

{'implementation_name': 'cpython',
 'implementation_version': '3.7.2',
 'os_name': 'posix',
 'platform_machine': 'x86_64',
 'platform_python_implementation': 'CPython',
 'platform_release': '18.2.0',
 'platform_system': 'Darwin',
 'platform_version': 'Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Thu Dec 20 20:46:53 PST '
                     '2018; root:xnu-4903.241.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64',
 'python_full_version': '3.7.2',
 'python_version': '3.7',
 'sys_platform': 'darwin'}

System environment variables:

  • PATH
  • TERM
  • etc.

Pipenv–specific environment variables:


Contents of Pipfile ('/Users/[redacted]/Pipfile'):

url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

boto3 = "*"
requests = "*"
six = "*"

python_version = "3.6"

Contents of Pipfile.lock ('/Users/[redacted]/Pipfile.lock'):

    "[redacted]": ["snip"]

public class Hello {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!");

… and then presumably one could continue after the diagnostics.


Well, there’s table support now, so…


Minimal Markdown of a table, working both in the preview and the post:


Minimal Markdown of a table, working in the preview, but not in the post:



Minimal Markdown of a table, working in the post, but not in the preview:


These Markdown snippets don’t render at all in a post, but still produce tables in the preview:


This Markdown doesn’t render at all in a post, and doesn’t produce a table in the preview:


Backslashes, HTML, other random stuff


Line Separator and Paragraph Separator

These don’t seem to separate table rows.



Stack Snippets

When editing, the “edit the above snippet” link appears inside the table header.

sdfsdf sdf

This is a test of a malformed link. Something similar was posted and detected by SmokeDetector, but deleted before I was able to see it on the SE site where it was posted.<a href="This is just to verify what SE does wrt. stripping the ">malformed tag. I believe I know what SE will do, but I want to double-check.

Additional test (currently Chrome only, if working):

IIRC, the last time I tested this the backend Markdown->HTML render broke this. It does appear to be working in the edit preview.

This is a link to a question which should highlight some text in Chrome.


Eye in the pyramid


red { color: red } yellow { color: yellow }

red color markdown text
yellow color markdown text

enter image description here


Test—will this render? Typed in visual editor.

"Quote," quoth the quoted.

<sub>Small text, chapter 4: "Fancy quote formatting" (2008–2022)</sub>


Testing a thing with the new editor.

Here's a footnote link to Google

And a [bracket test].

Testing unicode magic:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- end snippet​ -->

Testing escapes:



Code in spoilers:

>! <pre><code>
>! if True: 
>!     print "Hello World!"
>! </code></pre>

 if True:
     print "Hello World!"


>! ```
>! if True: 
>!     print "Hello World!"
>! ```

! if True: ! print "Hello World!" !

3 4 5

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