
  • Answers will occasionally be moved to the Sandbox archive when there are too many of them. When using them to report bugs, keep an eye on the post.

  • You may also want to take a look at the Stack Exchange's Sandbox chat room

  • This site, Meta Stack Exchange, is usually used as a "test bed" for pending changes happening to the way text is rendered on all network sites. Changes to text rendering that are going to be rolled out to the network are usually deployed here first to test them out and fix any potential glitches. Currently, there are no such changes pending, but if there were, keep in mind that text posted here may render differently from the other sites until the changes roll out to them as well.

As per Jeff's suggestion in this comment:

You can use this question as a formatting sandbox. You can:

  • edit this question itself (Community Wiki questions such as this one require only 100 reputation to edit instead of 2,000)
  • post answers to this question (This question might be protected, requiring earning 10 reputation on this site to answer)
  • post comments to this question or its answers
  • test suspected bugs with the editor or the rendering
  • post ponies (only when mods are asleep)

Beware that since the changes to syntax highlighting in December 2010, and the inline hints added in March 2011, no syntax highlighting is applied unless the question's tags or an inline hint enable it. So, to test highlighting here in the sandbox:

  1. As of January 8, 2019, you can use GitHub-flavor fenced code blocks in your posts, specifying the language after the opening fence:

    While not hinted otherwise: <html></html> source <b>goes</b> "here".
    var a = 3;
    while (not (a > 0)) {
        alert("JavaScript code <b>goes</b> here.");
  2. Or:

    • Create code blocks in any way (using the fence notation above, the four-space indent form, or using HTML <pre><code> tags).

    • Save your post!

    • Use your browser's developer tools to edit the resulting HTML. To open developer tools, press F12, or ⌥⌘ I on Mac.

    • Find the <pre> element and add the attribute class="prettyprint", or change it into one of the valid syntax hints linked above, like class="lang-vb prettyprint".

    • Run the following in the location bar: javascript:prettyPrint(); or prettyPrint() in the console.

Answers that are considered annoying or obnoxious, or that cause breakage for users, will be deleted. This is codified as a policy as of March 29, 2018.


296 Answers 296

3 4
6 7

I’m testing hyphens ("HYPHEN MINUS") on iOS 12. Specifically, typing multiple hyphens into the edit box. Typing 2 hyphens together results in a single "EM DASH".

Related question on the Ask Different Stack:
How do I type a hyphen in iOS 12?

The text in parentheses describes the resulting string after typing N hyphens.

Below this line is a single “hyphen” (HYPHEN)


Below this are 2 hyphens (EM DASH)

And 3 hyphens (EM DASH + HYPHEN)


Four hyphens (EM DASH + EM DASH)



Five hyphens (EM DASH + EM DASH + HYPHEN)


Long press and second character (EN DASH)

Long press and third character (EM DASH)


Hello -

• (BULLET - Long press and first character)

Saying "hyphen hyphen hyphen hyphen" results in 4 contiguous hyphens

Saying "dash" results in an "EN DASH" and "dash dash dash dash" results in 4 x "EN DASH + SPACE" (not contiguous).

– – – –


or so
 you claim


Testing. Ok.

Does LaTeX formatting work? Let me test.

\binom{20}{2} \cdot (\frac{1}{10})^2 \cdot (\frac{9}{10})^{18} \approx 28.518%

Cool! It does! Ok

  • That's some hawt stuff!
    – CJS
    Commented Jun 3, 2020 at 1:00

The diff is informative; it will not apply directly because this site mangles tabs and whitespaces


--- drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c~
+++ drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c
@@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@

 static const struct tty_port_operations acm_port_ops = {
-   .dtr_rts = acm_port_dtr_rts,
+   /* .dtr_rts = acm_port_dtr_rts, */
    .shutdown = acm_port_shutdown,
    .activate = acm_port_activate,
    .destruct = acm_port_destruct,

ETA: nvm I'm rekt

feel free for anyone to commandeer this answer if your rep is too low for the sandbox


Testing possible issues with the revision history for good measure (Thank you for enabling YouTube embedding!):



alert("Script injection protection broken")

Video raw:


Video iframe:


This is a code fence test.

New code

Yay! We just get to messAround

22 = 4 (unless we're talkin' common core)


Very good! Fantastic! Very good! Fantastic! Very good! Fantastic!frefferfgerger

This is a test.

Still a test.

  • List item

I keep testing.

Until it breaks.

  • Another list item

    And it doesn't break if you indent by 4 spaces



  • Um... I don't understand what's going on in this answer Commented Jun 9, 2020 at 13:36
  • 2
    @mindstormsboi Formatting sandbox answers are typically nonsensical. I wouldn't worry about them too much, unless they're Rude/Abusive.
    – Spevacus Mod
    Commented Jun 9, 2020 at 13:58
  • yeah, just testing things
    – kepe
    Commented Jun 9, 2020 at 14:50

Can I undelete an answer myself if it was deleted via Recommend deletion votes from review?

This is testing for undeletion when a post is deleted with

Review ends with a mix of 1 or 2 delete votes and recommend deletion votes.

Anyone, feel free to flag this as NAA or VLQ.

Anyone is also free to recommend to delete this post~

(Trusted users (20k rep): consider commenting after recommending to delete this post, so that other trusted users can skip it..?)

Moderator, consider replying if you get any mod flag?

  • I flagged as NAA
    – Dharman
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 10:33
  • I'm going to click the Delete button from the review queue
    – Glorfindel Mod
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 11:06
  • Review link: meta.stackexchange.com/review/low-quality-posts/72670
    – Dharman
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 11:11
  • Undeleted myself, waiting for mod's response if they get any flag or not. Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 12:21
  • Yep, flag on this one too :)
    – Tinkeringbell Mod
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 12:34
  • If you delete this one then it will only need two votes to undelete
    – Dharman
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 12:36

Escaped characters in comments.

  • _/\_ renders like this: _/_
    – ChrisW
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 7:52
  • _/\\_ renders like this: _/\_
    – ChrisW
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 7:53

This is my code:

collections: subcategory
    category_name: "ICT",
    subcategory_name: "Laptop"


     "keyup .searchbox": function(event){
           var query = event.target.value;
           Session.set('query', query);

     subcategory: function(){
         var filter = {sort: {}};
         var query = Session.get('query');
         filter.sort[Session.get('sortby')] = 1;
         return Subcategory.find({ subcategory_name: new RegExp(query, 'i')} , filter ); 

  • Comments are used to ask for clarification or to point out problems in the post. Outdated comments may get deleted. Learn more about comments…. Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 23:19
  • Comments use mini-Markdown formatting: [link](http://example.com) _italic_ **bold** `code` . The post author will always be notified of your comment. To also notify a previous commenter, mention their user name: @peter or @PeterSmith will both work. Learn more about formatting… Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 23:20
  • enter at least 15 characters Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 23:25
  • testing how to undo votes on comments Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 23:25
  • Apparently if you mess with the Javascript you can undo votes on comments within 60 seconds of voting even after refreshing the page. Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 23:28
  • But it doesn't seem to be possible to undo votes on comments if you voted more than 60 seconds ago, not even by messing with the Javascript. Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 23:31
  • Here is the code to undo votes on comments if you voted less than 60 seconds ago: let machin = document.createElement("form"); machin.method = "post"; machin.action = "/posts/comments/<comment id>/vote/0"; let fkey = document.createElement("input"); fkey.name = "fkey"; fkey.value = "fa360d325887bceb4de2c5522d095a7f65960ee9954efab80223ad4e67b23610"; machin.appendChild(fkey); document.body.appendChild(machin); machin.submit();. Paste it into the developer console on the same site as the comment is on, and replace <comment id> with the ID of the comment you want to undo your vote on. Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 23:33

Dots of shame.


Testing testing runnable script

document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = "js"
p {
  color: green;
<a href = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ" target = "_blank">Click the link!</a>
<p> :) </p>
<p id = "p1"></p>


Minimal example for HTML comments breaks formatting from that point, but bloated in order to avoid being converted to a comment when I want it to remain as an answer.





Formatting quotes. The markdown is this:

> This text is being used as a test.
> The second line is treated as part of the first line.

> The third line is kept separate from the second line, but appears like a new section of quoteblock.
> The fourth line is kept separate from the fourth line, but continues the same quoteblock, but is spaced "far"  from the third line.    [there are four trailing spaces here]
> The fifth line is kept separate from the fourth line, but continues the same quoteblock, but is spaced "close" to the fourth line.

The actual appearance is this:

Formatting quotes.

This text is being used as a test. The second line is treated as part of the first line.

The third line is kept separate from the second line, but appears like a new section of quoteblock.

The fourth line is kept separate from the fourth line, but continues the same quoteblock, but is spaced "far" from the third line.
The fifth line is kept separate from the fourth line, but continues the same quoteblock, but is spaced "close" to the fourth line.

  • 1
    Yeah, the four trailing spaces creating a break like a <br /> tag confused me for the longest time. The lack of a > in the space creating a break in the blockquote is part of the recent switch to CommonMark.
    – BSMP
    Commented Sep 5, 2020 at 4:44

This is a test to see if the new highlighter handles certain dark corners of shell syntax better than the old one. Code snippet from this old post. YES is a comment, NO isn't.

echo 1 # YES
echo 2 $# NO foo# NO
echo 3;#YES
cat << E
# NO
echo 4 " # NO \" # NO" \" # YES
echo "5
# NO
$(echo 6 # YES
`echo 7 \" # NO \"`
eval 'echo 8 # NO, then YES'

"Example" domain names that trigger editor warnings:

Hmmm, none of these trigger warnings?!

....not on the meta site, but they do on the main site. BUT not all main sites!


posting sample answer from api [tour]


I've deleted 5 answers today, let's see if I can delete this one as well.

Edit: That's weird, the system let me delete 6 answers in just 5 minutes. According to this that shouldn't be possible. Maybe it's because some of them were already deleted and I undeleted them before deleting them again.

  • 3
    You did trigger the automatic vandalism flag for moderators at least :P When trying to resolve the flag I looked at your profile, and indeed not all deletions show up as having been in the last 35 or so minutes, so I think the problem is indeed with the undelete/delete cycle. Still, I would not recommend posting 5 new answers to try and find that limit/message: Many deleted answers can count towards an answer ban, and while I don't know the specific rules, I know I can't get you out of that one! I can confirm the message most likely still exists, there are complaints about it from time to time
    – Tinkeringbell Mod
    Commented Nov 13, 2020 at 9:07

Links to all my answers:

I'm going to need this since I will probably delete some of these in the future. When they're deleted they won't be visible in my profile (by the way plese implement this feature request), and it's easier to have all links in one place than to go through all the answers in the formatting sandbox until I find them.


Zalgo text test (overflows on desktop, clipped on mobile site)



Is overline possible?

<span style="text-decoration:overline">RESET</span>

Combining overline &#x305; using entities and unicode:



  • @MikeM. please don't hijack random post, even in sandbox. It cause inbox message to be sent, which some people consider as noise. Post your own answer and test comments as much as you want under that answer. Thanks. Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 14:17
  • 1
    @ShadowWizard That's totally my bad. I didn't think anybody got pinged on community wiki. I meant to immediately delete that anyway. My apologies.
    – Mike M.
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 14:19
  • 2
    @MikeM. now post an apology for the second one 😅 Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 14:26
  • 3
    @ShadowWizard you too for the now first one 🤣 Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 14:27

This text is bold in the markdown preview --

a b c
test teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee & eeeeee&e

test the edit


[A draft for the expansion of a deleted answer in Build a Turing *incomplete* language]

This is the full list of predefined macros (it's possible to see that only __DATE__, __TIME__ and __TIMESTAMP__ are not deterministic. Remark: defining SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH will not affect the __TIMESTAMP__)

The directives that can read the hard drive is #include, #include_next and #import.

This is the full list of directives.

While it's sufficient to provide an implementation of some basic arithmetic operations, I'd like to explain the method in more details.

Input-dependent computation

In order to make the program powerful enough, it must be possible to make the amount of computation dependent on the size of the input.

This can be achieved by encoding a natural number $n$ as a sequence of $n$ pair of brackets ()()()...()()().

So if there are two macros defined like this (there must be two to avoid it being blue-painted)

#define a() X b()
#define b() X a()

Then a()()...()() will expand to X X ... X X a.

It's usually convenient to remove the last a. That can be done by pasting the whole thing with something like _delete_this and #define a_delete_this.

Repeated fixed function call

Let x be a parameter, with its value being a sequence of $n$ ()s.

Then it's possible to generate f( repeated $n$ times and ) repeated $n$ times.

With some simple manipulation, it's not hard to define some macro $P(n, args...) to expand to f(f(...(f(args))...)) for a fixed function f.

Repeated dynamic function call

Unfortunately, this technique alone won't be able to implement $P(n, f, args...) = f(f(...(f(args))...)).

(this is not necessary for the computations, but it's more convenient this way)

Define an auxiliary macro $M: $M(f, args...) expands to f, f(args).

(note that args... is a GNU CPP extension; however this is only for convenience, all usages of it can be replaced with the standard __VA_ARGS__ identifier)

Observe that $M($M($M(f, args...))) will expands to:

$M($M(f, f(args)))
$M(f, f(f(args)))
f, f(f(f(args)))

Taking the second argument will result in f(f(f(args))).

In reality, some defer/eval is required to make the expression expands correctly.

Then, use the previous macro $P to evaluate $M $n$ times on f, args..., and it's possible to get f applied on args... $n$ times.

At the moment, it's possible to use $P to implement the multiplication function:

#define mul_1(x,y) x y, y
#define mul(x,y) $P(x,mul_1, ,y)

In this example, mul_1 is repeatedly applied on the argument (<empty>, y) $x$ times. For each application, mul_1 transforms (accumulator, y) to (accumulator+y, y); therefore after $x$ iterations the result is (x*y, y).


Let's say, you want to implement a function that uses $P based on another function that uses $P.

#define add(x,y) x y
#define pre_1(x,y) y,y()
#define pre(x) $P(x,pre_1,,) // <-- this function uses `$P`
#define sub(x,y) $P(y,pre,x) // <-- this function uses `pre`
// similar to the implementation of subtraction using pair in lambda calculus
// returns x-y if x>=y, 0 otherwise.
// (terribly inefficient.)

This will immediately raises a problem -- the inner $P is not expanded.

Which makes sense, because the inner $P is created during the expansion of the outer $P.

There's a trivial workaround for that problem, however -- define a function $P2 with the same definition as $P (and its helper functions)

This restriction makes sense, because cpp is not Turing-complete and it should not be possible for two functions to call each other.

Some example functions

With these tools, it should not be too hard to build some simple functions. Ideas from lambda calculus should be useful here.

#define equ(x,y) sub((),sub(x,y) sub(y,x))
// return 1 == () if x and y are equal, 0 == <empty> otherwise.

#define modz_1(result, x, y, value) result equ(x, i), x, y, y value
// modz_1(result, x, y, value) = (result + [x == value], x, y, value + y)
// x and y are the dividend and the divisor.
// value iterates through the first x positive multiples of y,
// and check if any of them are equal to x.

#define modz(x,y) $P3(x,modz_1,,x,y,y)
// returns 1 if x is a multiple of y, 0 otherwise.
// apply modz_1 on (0, x, y, y) x times, then return the first value of the result.


*your text*

blablabla fill this with more characters



#include <WinAPI.au3>

MsgBox(0, "", "error: " & @error & @CRLF & "hFind: " & $hFind & @CRLF & "hRadio: " & $phRadio)

Func _BluetoothFindFirstRadio(ByRef $phRadio)
    Local $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS = DllStructCreate('DWORD')
    Local $aResult = DllCall($hDllBthProps, "handle", "BluetoothFindFirstRadio", "struct*", $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS, "handle*", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    $phRadio = $aResult[2]
    Return SetError($aResult[0] = 0, 0, $aResult[0])
EndFunc   ;==>_BluetoothFindFirstRadio


#include <WinAPI.au3>

MsgBox(0, "", "error: " & @error & @CRLF & "hFind: " & $hFind & @CRLF & "hRadio: " & $phRadio)

Func _BluetoothFindFirstRadio(ByRef $phRadio)
    Local $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS = DllStructCreate('DWORD')
    Local $aResult = DllCall($hDllBthProps, "handle", "BluetoothFindFirstRadio", "struct*", $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS, "handle*", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    $phRadio = $aResult[2]
    Return SetError($aResult[0] = 0, 0, $aResult[0])
EndFunc   ;==>_BluetoothFindFirstRadio


#include <WinAPI.au3>

MsgBox(0, "", "error: " & @error & @CRLF & "hFind: " & $hFind & @CRLF & "hRadio: " & $phRadio)

Func _BluetoothFindFirstRadio(ByRef $phRadio)
    Local $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS = DllStructCreate('DWORD')
    Local $aResult = DllCall($hDllBthProps, "handle", "BluetoothFindFirstRadio", "struct*", $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS, "handle*", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    $phRadio = $aResult[2]
    Return SetError($aResult[0] = 0, 0, $aResult[0])
EndFunc   ;==>_BluetoothFindFirstRadio


#include <WinAPI.au3>

MsgBox(0, "", "error: " & @error & @CRLF & "hFind: " & $hFind & @CRLF & "hRadio: " & $phRadio)

Func _BluetoothFindFirstRadio(ByRef $phRadio)
    Local $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS = DllStructCreate('DWORD')
    Local $aResult = DllCall($hDllBthProps, "handle", "BluetoothFindFirstRadio", "struct*", $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS, "handle*", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    $phRadio = $aResult[2]
    Return SetError($aResult[0] = 0, 0, $aResult[0])
EndFunc   ;==>_BluetoothFindFirstRadio


#include <WinAPI.au3>

MsgBox(0, "", "error: " & @error & @CRLF & "hFind: " & $hFind & @CRLF & "hRadio: " & $phRadio)

Func _BluetoothFindFirstRadio(ByRef $phRadio)
    Local $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS = DllStructCreate('DWORD')
    Local $aResult = DllCall($hDllBthProps, "handle", "BluetoothFindFirstRadio", "struct*", $tBLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS, "handle*", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    $phRadio = $aResult[2]
    Return SetError($aResult[0] = 0, 0, $aResult[0])
EndFunc   ;==>_BluetoothFindFirstRadio

3 4
6 7

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