This question is triggered by a discussion in Tavern on the Meta. Shog9 provided us with data on chat activity and after the Stack Overflow criticism "Suffering on Stack Overflow" the chat activity noticably drops (not only in the JavaScript sites).
The thing is that I also analyzed the number of users in Interpersonal Stack Exchange (admittedly more crude, only month datapoints) and asked in chat if there is a drop. The more accurate data provided showed only a barely noticable (if at all) drop.
As Shog suggested in chat, I ask here if we have a noticable increase of users deleting their profile on all sites, separated by all, min 1000 reputation and 5000 reputation. This may be not so noticeable with a stream of incoming new users, but if the current route of march is answered by an exodus of (experienced!) users than we definitely should overthink this. I also admit that it may be not so easy to separate necessary (GDPR!) and intentional (Code of Conduct) influences, but we should look out what the data says.