For inspiration, amusement, and reference, I am interested in a list of all chatrooms that:

  • are the official/main chat room of some Stack Exchange site;
  • have a non-standard name, i.e., something other that is not derived from the site’s name in a straightforward manner like Lepitopterology SE General Chat.

Feel free to offer explanations if the pun or similar is not immediately obvious.

1 Answer 1


Please feel free to join and contribute to any of these chatrooms (and others you may find on any of the sites here).

To find chat, just hit on the hamburger and select 'chat' (note that you'll need 20 reputation points to participate in chat).

Chat room names, sorted alphabetically by site name:

Parent Site Chat room name Description
No parent site The Assembly generic public room for moderation issues
No parent site The Terminal generic room for international sites
3D Printing The Hotbed - 3D Printing frozen
Academia The Ivory Tower
Amateur Radio Ham Shack
Anime & Manga Maid Café (メイド喫茶)
Arduino Pin 13
Arqade The Bridge
Artificial Intelligence The Singularity
Arts & Crafts The Studio
Astronomy The Observatory
Aviation The Hangar
Beer, Wine & Spirits The Taphouse
Biblical Hermeneutics The Library frozen
Bicycles The Velodrome
Biology The Biosphere
Blender The Renderfarm
Chemistry The Periodic Table
Christianity The Upper Room
Code Golf The Nineteenth Byte In golf, "the nineteenth hole" would refer to a restaraunt at the end of the course. "The Nineteenth Byte" flips this around to be about code-golfing instead of regular golf, and just so also happens to be exactly nineteen characters long.
Code Review The 2nd Monitor
Coffee The Percolator
Community Building The Town Hall
Computer Graphics The Cornell Box
Computer Science Educators The Classroom
Cross Validated Ten fold
Cryptography The Side Channel
Database Administrators The Heap™ – Consultancy ©® used to be The Clustered Index, but that implied more organization than our chat typically reflected
DevOps ChatOps ChatOps is a way of handling infrastructure from a chat system
Drones and Model Aircraft Droning On
Earth Science What on Earth?
Ebooks The Appendix
Emacs *scratch* frozen
Engineering The Skunk Works
English Language Learners Language Overflow
Ethereum Whisper
Expatriates The Embassy
French Language Chez Cosette
Gardening & Landscaping The Garden Shed
Genealogy & Family History Roots
German Language deutschsprachiger Raum translates to both, German-speaking room and German language area
Graphic Design The Ink Spot
Hardware Recommendations The Rec Center
History The Time Machine
History of Science and Mathematics On the Shoulders of Giants
Information Security The DMZ Network Demilitarised Zone
Internet of Things Chat of Things
Interpersonal Skills The Awkward Silence
Islam Jaami'at StackExchange al-Islamyya
Italian Language Bar Sport Bar Sport is the first novel by the Italian satirical writer Stefano Benni, which is nowadays considered a classic of Italian humorous fiction. It's an humorous description of a typical small-town Italian bar. This Bar Sport appears in other novels by Benni.
Language Learning The Language Lab
Latin Language CONLOQVIVM 'to talk together'
Law The Sidebar
Lifehacks The Junk Drawer
Linguistics lɪŋˈgwɪstɪks linguistics in the International Phonetic Alphabet
Literature The Reading Room
Martial Arts Open Roda
Matter Modeling Modeling Matters!
Medical Sciences Grand Rounds
Meta Stack Exchange Tavern on the Meta general room for Meta.SE1
Meta Stack Exchange Teachers' Lounge private, moderator-only chat room for moderators of all network sites1
Mi Yodeya V'dibarta Bam "And speak of them" (Deuteronomy 6:7)
Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair The Pitstop
Movies & TV The Screening Room
Music Fans Off the record
Music: Practice & Theory The Practice Room
Mythology & Folklore The Pantheon
Open Source The Bikeshed
Parenting The Playground
Personal Finance & Money Show me the money!
Pets The Litter Box
Philosophy The Symposium
Physical Fitness The Locker Room
Physics The h Bar ħ (pronounced h bar) is an important physical constant
Politics Agora agora was a public open place in Ancient Greece used for assemblies, gatherings
Portuguese Language Falatório
Programming Language Design & Implementation The Garbage Collector
Psychology & Neuroscience The Axon Terminal
Puzzling The Sphinx's Lair
Quantitative Finance Quant frozen
Quantum Computing The Classical Channel
Raspberry Pi The Bakery
Retrocomputing The BBS
Robotics Asimov's Corner attribution to Isaac Asimov, an American writer and professor who devised the Three Laws of Robotics
Science Fiction & Fantasy The Restaurant at the End of the Universe the second book in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, a science-fiction classic
Seasoned Advice The Frying Pan
ServerFault The Comms Room
Signal Processing Post-Processing
Skeptics Hub of Reason
Software Engineering The Whiteboard
Sound Design The Echo Chamber
Space Exploration The Pod Bay 2001: "Open the Pod Bay doors, Hal"
Spanish Language La Tertulia literally, 'The Salon'
Sports The Clubhouse
Stellar Lumenati
Super User Root Access
The Great Outdoors The Base Camp
The Workplace The Water Cooler
Tor The Exit Node
Travel You Are Here
Unix & Linux /dev/chat
Veganism & Vegetarianism The Greenhouse
Vi and Vim :chat!
Web Applications Google-Fu
Woodworking The Workshop
WordPress Development The Loop
Worldbuilding The Factory Floor
Writing The Overlook Hotel

1 Rooms for Meta Stack Exchange above aren't hosted on the general Stack Exchange chat server (chat.stackexchange.com), but instead on the Meta Stack Exchange chat server (chat.meta.stackexchange.com).

  • 6
    Why no links to the chat rooms? Is there a specific reason, or just lack of time to add all of them? Commented Sep 12, 2018 at 11:20
  • @ShadowtheWelcomingWizard the tavern is not on chat.se. So if it even belongs in this list at least that one should be linked to prevent confusion
    – rene Mod
    Commented Sep 12, 2018 at 11:38
  • @rene well, MSE is a Stack Exchange site like any other, and the room name isn't standard, so yeah I think it belongs here. As for linking it, I think it will cause confusion: why this is linked and the rest are not. Commented Sep 12, 2018 at 11:40
  • 1
    @ShadowtheWelcomingWizard: What would be the benefit? This purpose of this list is not to allow people to quickly find rooms to join. On the other hand, the underlining would impede readability.
    – Wrzlprmft
    Commented Sep 12, 2018 at 12:13
  • 2
    @Wrzlprmft benefit is making it much more simple to join a room you find interesting, instead of having to manually search for the site/room. :) Commented Sep 12, 2018 at 12:22
  • Would it be useful to include the mod room called the Teachers' Lounge or something?
    – user392547
    Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 9:00
  • @Chair I've included all chat rooms with funny names that have no parent site. Commented Jan 26, 2019 at 20:30
  • 1
    The one on Home Improvement should be called Room for Improvement. Commented Feb 4, 2020 at 8:37
  • 2
    @user289905: Well, you can probably make a suggestion on DIY Meta.
    – Wrzlprmft
    Commented Feb 4, 2020 at 8:43

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