I have seen various meta questions either asking for a specific site to have video embedding turned on or discussing which sites have it turned on, but nothing about how to request it.
What is the preferred method for requesting this?
If there is no such policy, then consider this a request for "The Great Outdoors"
There was a question about whether a certain tool for igniting laboratory gas fires could work for starting a conventional wood fire. A simple "Yes, should work" is not a great answer, so I bought the tool just to make a video demonstration to test and verify for a proper answer.
That answer is here.
I tried to embed a video by entering the proper html, and that didn't work. I have read in meta here that I should just enter the YouTube link on a line by itself, but I also see that "The Great Outdoors" is not listed as a site with this feature enabled.
I have made videos for other answers on that site too.