While using the top bar to navigate across communities, I noticed that the reputation displayed on meta sites on that list does not match the one of their corresponding main sites:
I have noticed on past situations that reputation gained takes a bit to "update" on the display on Meta sites (that is, if you gain rep on SO, for example, it will take some time for you to see your updated rep on MSO).
However, I have never noticed this behavior here, on the Sites List of the top bar. Furthermore, the "delay" here seems to be more severe, as the "outdated" rep showed is of several days ago (for example, I turned 3k on SO almost exactly a week ago, but the rep shown on MSO is still <3k).
Any idea what could be causing this behavior?
Update: 2 months later this persists: my main site rep updates correctly but their corresponding meta rep remains the same as in the image above.
Update: As per Catija's suggestion I removed the site (MSO) and put it back in, but it didn't update the rep.
However, after removing one site (TWP Meta), waiting at least a day, and then adding it back I see that although the reputations still don't match, the number displayed did changed a bit (previously 29,924 but now 33,112):