So I've been on stackoverflow for a while just replying question and now, for the first time asked something python-sqlalchemy related. I only got a reply that wasn't helpful so after a few days, I set a bounty that is now about to run out. The 50 reputation were kind of a lot to me and it's sad to see my bounty is about to run out without having attracted any answers. As the faq explains, there won't be a refund. In a case where no single answer is given during the bounty period, I think it would be nice to return the bounty; Not finding any help is frustrating enough.
People repeatedly ask if or how bounties are returned, however, I haven't found any information on why the bounty system is so rigorous.
To clarify: I'm not talking about situations where there's unvoted replies within the bounty period but when there is no reply during the bounty period at all. This reason just doesn't apply in a case like this:
In any case, you will always give up the amount of reputation specified in the bounty, so if you start a bounty, be sure to follow up and award your bounty to the best answer!
When you set a bounty, you can expect someone to drop by and give a reply. If you don't accept it, you still got a new idea. At this point, the bounty should be gone, and this is the usual case, that there will be some reply.