Context: I reported a bug (IMO) regarding automatic rendering of -- in Titles as a single long dash. In the process I learned that even more happens to the Title than just showing --
as —
I feel that in too many cases this is not desirable, but right now there is no way to prevent it.
A solution could be to have a checkbox below the Title entry box that lets me disable the formatting. After all I am writing the question, please let me be in control of it?
What makes matter worse is that the Preview pane does not show what 'magic' will happen to my Title, because the Title is not previewed.
I hope the setting will allow me to disable the entire SmartyPants formatting.
What would make this even better is if the Preview pane would include the Title, and of course reflect my Yes/No choice as I change it.
I made a mockup for the added checkbox + title preview: