Currently, almost every Stack Exchange site has its own login area, meaning the browsers login auto fill doesn't always work.
For example:
Stack Overflow login:
Physics Stack Exchange login:
If I've saved my login credentials for Stack Overflow, they don't work for Physics Stack Exchange. I have to save them again, and vice-versa.
I propose a solution similar to that of Googles' is implemented,
shared by all Stack Exchange sites.
Someone has flagged this as a duplicate of this, but I assure you, it is not. That post is about how sites behave after logging into one of the sites, and this post is about unifying the login experience across all the Stack Exchange sites, so browser login auto-fill only needs to remember one set of credentials for one address:
Here's a screenshot of my browsers password manager, ridiculous!!
All the credentials are the same.
) or they wish to log in to Stack Overflow (
), they should be redirected to log in through a unified page — something like
. That way we don't have to save our log in credentials for each SE site
, but keep in mind that cookie won't work on any sibling domain just due to how cookies work in general (they're never sent to another site). For example, do you login
? (which would rely on third party cookies). We can't rely on third-party cookies, some people block them...those need to at least work on the current domain. There's also a user issue where we create on the current's not a trivial move, but I am thinking on it!