I am addressing the situation when there is a mismatch between what the question title asks for, and what the question body asks for. Given the mismatch, any answer can address either the title or the body, not both, so there is possibility to be marked as off-topic in either case.
I have read What to do with overly general question titles on specific questions, and I noticed that a new title can be suggested, but let's suppose an answer is already provided, and is flagged as off-topic. How is this resolved?
Let's take the concrete example of How to explain intravenous drug abuse to a 6-year-old?. While the title asks for an explanation about the drug usage, the body of the question is rather asking for how to explain the presence of needles on a playground, and why a child should stay away from touching needles (or at least that is my understanding, please correct me if I am wrong). Key phrases that highlight the intent of the question:
What I couldn't explain was why the syringes and needles were there
I almost went ahead and explained intravenous drug use (proves that drug discussion is a sub-topic)
I've also explained that neither needles nor syringes must be touched because they carry infection. (parent is worried about child safety, not about explaining drug use)
There is a mismatch between what is intended in the title, and what is intended in the body of the question. While the drug-discussion and the needle-discussion aren't necessarily unrelated, I feel that the drug-discussion is a sub-topic (therefore not mandatory to be addressed in an answer) of the main topic, which is about explaining needles presence on a playground AND effectively keeping a child away from touching needles.
Therefore, is an answer, which does address the presence of needles, but not the drug usage, like this one https://parenting.stackexchange.com/a/37200/35622, off-topic or not?