Ironically - at this point, the ball is completely in Stack Overflow's court. I think we're at the point we can do all we do. We can watch out for the folks we care about, make sure that COC or no COC we watch out for the more vulnerable parts of our community and make sure they feel safe and confident enough to get help if people are not as nice as they should be.
At the end of the day the community is why I am here.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I feel its worth looking at what's kind of supposed to be the founding principles of the moderation system and some other things folks in the company have talked about over time.
I feel many of the events that have happened so far are at odds with principles we have for how we deal with members of our community.
To begin, I refer to the principles of moderation - while there's a newer post about it, there's a few relevant points. I will bring to your attention points 2 and 6
Your goal is to guide the community with gentle — but firm — intervention. Respect your fellow community members at all times; demonstrate fairness and impartiality in your actions.
I would not dispute that the actions were firm but I do not agree they were gentle. Fairness and impartiality - well, I personally question them. There was no due process, and communication has been lacking.
In the case of serious disputes, communicate directly with users via email to help mediate and resolve those disputes.
There was a mod removed over chat. She has been complaining about the lack of communication, and this does not look good. Admittedly this has changed to moderator messages but - its worth considering the spirit of what this says. The mediation and resolution means we fix these disputes. Irrecoverable punitive measures have never been the SE way.
While we as mods do try our best to maintain and cultivate our own community, we cannot do anything if actions are taken beyond our control.
If it is expected of us as per point 1...
You are an ambassador of trust, with the same sorts of rights that the official development team and community coordinators have.
And well, the folks we interact within the company are expected to help be ambassadors of trust between the company and the community.
Monica, and well I were moderators on MSE. I hope the situation will arise where I feel comfortable coming back (as opposed to the alternative - coming back cause the place needs help to stay afloat.). I love this place and have respect for many of the folks I interact with.
To quote Tim in the post that announced us
In a dynamic where we essentially hold all of the cards and power, we need to give folks as much latitude as possible in order to create a field that's as level as possible. That means, we've gotta let the truth hurt, essentially, even when it's incredibly inconvenient. HOWEVER, if we can't find a trace of good faith in correspondence or it has become personal, it needs to be removed to keep the bar to entry in line with what we can take.
and that leads to a very important part of the job
That, right there, is a big part of the balance that I feel we've been missing since we separated Meta Stack Overflow away from the network discussion resulting in MSE becoming an insular site. Everyone that works at Stack Exchange is very passionate about what they do, which leads to very passionate discussions especially where there's criticism involved. Sometimes, we as employees need to disengage, or dial it back, or whatever euphemism you want to use for calm the heck down and think about the goals and the people helping you meet them.
Things feel worse - not better. It is calm and we're working towards some common objectives but we had a chain of correspondence going off the rails. We have a member of our community waiting for an answer. She's had two holidays ruined.
Sometimes we need to consider both the bigger picture and our personal feelings. There's a few communities that need her, and I believe, momentary disagreements aside - she's always proven to be sensible and rational.
Our appointed moderators will have full agency to correct any chain of correspondence that appears to be going off the rails, no matter who was originally driving the train. Sometimes it's better to let an objective party step in and handle things, we'll just leave it at that.
I guess I could be considered close to this but - considering how things went and who is involved. I do ask hard that folks step back and consider what's best for the community. Rather than picking an example - lets realise that in a sense we failed and we can do better.
This has gone off the rails multiple times.
I've never asked for this directly so far but - Please consider bringing back Monica for at least Judaism, Workplace and Writing. They need her. I talked about how the apology was a start. This is a continuation. If specific mods have issues with her - I'm pretty sure the specific points of friction can be addressed. The rest could hopefully be up for consideration.
Working with her to clarify, and hopefully help clear her name would be a decent thing to do. I think the damage is going get worse, not better till then. Some of the stuff I've seen on chat is... pretty bad.
Some of the things that were said were also ill considered. Lets try to work together to fix the damage.
As a moderator and a member of the community, I've done what I can to hold the line of civility and hope, though at this point I feel a little like a protagonist of a Cruxshadows song, holding the line in a hopeless fight.
I'd like to get this sorted. There's a lot of work to do, but this has to be the start.
There's a dozen other things I'd like to ask - but that has to start with a show of good faith.