In the past, we’ve had some drama about what a substantial edit to a post is. The new FAQ has this section:
If you are writing or editing a post and can make it gender-inclusive without changing the meaning, you are encouraged to do so.
Would it be prudent to change this to read:
If you are writing a post and can make your wording gender-inclusive, please make it so. If you are making a substantial edit to an existing post, also make pronouns gender neutral while you edit. Please do not mass edit old posts solely to correct pronoun gender unless you are fixing references to you in the post. It’s good practice to ask for help on your site meta if many posts need to be updated, whether it’s for tagging / syntax / pronoun usage.
Perhaps my suggestion is too verbose, but I believe there will be some disagreement if you don’t clarify what is being asked of the community on editing old posts. Once everyone gets used to more diversity in pronouns, the FAQ can probably get less detailed.
For now, a little more guidance might help everyone adjust.