Why haven't the statements made by the Stack Exchange director of community:
In response to an email from The Register, Stack Exchange director of community Sara Chipps said, "On Friday, we revoked privileges for one Stack Exchange moderator when they refused to abide by our Code of Conduct (CoC) after being asked to change their behavior multiple times. The disagreement stemmed from an interpretation of a certain policy, but our CoC is not up for debate. [...] Cellio (she/her) would not use stated pronouns, which violates our current CoC. We are soon publishing an update to the CoC to even more explicitly cite misgendering users or moderators as a violation. (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/10/01/stack_exchange_controversy/)
been retracted, and an apology issued through the same media outlet?
Besides being false and misleading, the statement is also against current policy (Under what circumstances will Stack Exchange, Inc. share private/sensitive information with the press?).
Not even in the last communication with the Register were the false, misleading, and harmful statements retracted (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/10/08/stack_overflow_apology/).
Why has this not been done already?