Out of curiosity, I've submitted a GDPR request just now.
(I live in the Netherlands, so the GDPR applies to me)
The fact that I've had to confirm my request through my attached email is excellent, but I was a little surprised by the response time described in the request's status page:
I'd assume there's some kind of system that can automatically collect my data and gather it in a (somewhat) comprehensible format.
Maybe there's even a "Okay" button some employee has to click to approve my request, but even then, the maximum response time of a month seems... Excessive.
I've heard from another user that their request submitted a week ago hasn't gone through yet.
Would it be possible to get some insight on why a GDPR request can take that long, or what kind of (apparently manual) process has to be taken care of?
So, I got a rather quick update on my request:
This looks like a statement of being short on manpower to handle the request.
It also appears to be the end of that specific GDPR request. Unless I'm wrong, this is a violation of the obligation to provide the requested data.
Update: The request was completed on 28/10/2019. It's not clear if that was because of the email I sent them, but that doesn't really matter.
Please note that I've edited out the actual ID of that request, for obvious reasons.