StackExchange grants users the ability to use "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page to report issues with Moderators. I don't see a rule prohibiting questioning a mod's actions here.
I have one moderator openly calling me an "asshole" and I just got chat-banned for thirty minutes for pasting the log of it because I was in violation of bringing up mod-drama in chat.
This very same moderator has recently amplified the recent site drama and threatened to resign. How come in the case of the recent drama we can get hundreds of posts, resignations, and even religious manifestos by diamond moderators on this network questioning the network's actions. But when it comes to questioning their own actions, even with screenshots, we're prohibited and told to message [email protected]
Can we use MSE for accountability, or not? I would like a consistent stance on this. If it's a site run by us we should all be allowed to demand redress with our peers, not just the anti-COC clique that's in vogue right now.