This is a question related to the new feedback procedures announcement.
This site (Meta Stack Exchange) has various functions: (per the help center)
Meta is for...
- ... Stack Exchange users to communicate with each other about the Stack Exchange network (asking questions about how the websites work, or about policies and community decisions)
- ... Stack Exchange users to communicate with Stack Overflow, the company (posting bugs, suggesting improvements, or proposing new features), and
- ... Stack Overflow, the company, to communicate with the community (soliciting feedback on new ideas or features, or discussing policies that affect the whole network)
Summarizing this, there are these main use cases for Meta:
- suggesting new features/improvements to features
- posting bug reports
- announcements
- network-wide policy discussions.
The first three of these use cases seem to be moved off, to another platform:
In early December, we are putting a strategy together for the tools and systems we’ll need. Bug reports, in particular, have been a significant pain point internally and externally! We plan to transition things like bug reports, user and customer support, user feedback, and company announcements off of Meta over the course of next year.
emphasis mine
This leaves the last point, which also seems to be covered by the creation of a moderator advisory board:
we’re putting together a moderator advisory team drawn from our 550 existing moderators (folks who volunteer their time and donate their knowledge and leadership to the community): a small, self-replacing council of moderators who will be tasked with keeping our moderation guidance and methods up-to-date, along with ad-hoc working groups of moderators to work on specific initiatives as needed.
emphasis mine
These changes seem to render Meta Stack Exchange useless.
Do you plan to remove it after doing these changes?
(Note: This doesn't mean I am advocating/agreeing with it. I am just curiously asking)