Before the Code of Conduct debacle, I never felt like a member of a minority. I was just a developer asking and answering questions. Now I feel pressured to come out of closet and announce every minority I belong to whenever I want to discuss anything and not be branded as a bigot.
During the last few months, whenever I voice an opinion which even remotely can annoy any activist, I feel that I must start my message with "I belong to these minorities, but..." I'm no longer a developer, I'm a person with various quirks that has to state them every time. Instead of the proposed "Hello, my pronouns are" my greeting became "Hello, my sexuality is".
You may say that I don't have to do this. Yes, I probably don't have to. But if I don't, my posts will be flagged as offensive and removed by moderators. If I want my opinion to be heard, I have to walk this crazy winding path of putting stickers on my forehead just to avoid being silenced.
And I'm not alone. I see many people doing the same. All messages start with the same words: "I belong to this and that minority, but...".
Just look at this:
- Is SE still safe for queer/trans folks? (the answerer labels themself as a "jewish atheist")
- I am non-binary - recent events have made SE less safe for me (and other members of the LGBTQ community) (the answerer labels themself as a "trans person")
- I am non-binary - recent events have made SE less safe for me (and other members of the LGBTQ community) (the answerer labels themself as a "very openly gay man")
- Many more were deleted, so I can't link to them
With the introduction of "the loop", users of Stack Exchange network see focus on minorities and disregard for opinions again, for a good reason. At least the company had the decency of not including a question about sexuality in their survey.
I don't care about trolls. I never cared. But I'm tired of emotional exhibitionism which I'm forced into by the "caring" company.
Can the company stop focusing on minorities so much?