Inspired by this question: Hide notifications about a specific question?

I am wondering if the use of the tag makes the requirements for a question weaker than described in the tagwiki info? Here's the cite:

You have an idea for a new feature to be added, or for a change in existing functionality. Great!

Be sure you have thoroughly searched that the feature you are thinking of has not already been proposed. If it has, and it hasn't received a response, follow the advice at How do I get attention for old, unfixed bug reports and feature requests without official responses here on Meta?. If it has already been declined, and you believe that there are new reasons why the team should change their mind, be sure to clearly address the reasons for originally declining it as well as the new reasons for implementing it.

If no proposal exists, then make sure your proposal is in the form of a question focused on the problem or functional purpose that is driving your perceived need or desire for the new feature, and not focused on what you believe may be the solution for the new feature itself (your solution is better made as an answer to your question). So give as much detail and context as possible on the background situation that caused you to bring a feature request and make sure it is formulated to justify why the new feature is needed and/or how it can improve the community. Basically, prove to the administration that they should spend time developing your feature.

Note that voting on feature requests is based on whether people agree or disagree with your proposal, so if your request gets downvoted, it doesn't necessarily mean that your question is of bad quality; it may just mean that people disagree with your feature suggestion.

is one of the four possible mandatory tags; the other mandatory tag options are , and .

I have added the to the above mentioned questtion, because it basically is a FR:

Is there any way to hide rep notifications about a specific question?

I'm happy when I'm getting a diverse set of notifications relevant to my recent participation on Stack Exchange sites. But it's less pleasing, and almost annoying, when almost every time I click the icon for rep notifications it's about the same old question over and over again. I wrote one question almost eight years ago that's still getting upvotes, but I'm no longer interested in getting notified about those upvotes.

There are other approaches that might also help to solve my notification fatigue:

  • Hide rep notifications about old questions/answers (where old is user-defined).
  • Hide rep notifications about questions/answers that I haven't engaged with recently.
  • Allow me to hide the +10 rep notifications entirely. (I'm still interested in achievements/badges though).


I've retagged the specific question in question with the tag now, following @Cody's advice.

  • 1
    Don't forget - tags have feeds and a sufficiently cultured individual can watch a tag over rss feeds. You can watch for tags, not watch against tags. Commented Dec 5, 2019 at 0:08
  • 1
    @Journey It's kinda funny, there's no Meta Meta Stack Exchange site. But well I'll getting into far surreal and bizzare situations. ;) Commented Dec 5, 2019 at 0:53

1 Answer 1


In my opinion, no. All feature requests are inherently discussion questions, since they are implicitly soliciting discussion about whether or not implementing the described feature is a good idea. That type of feedback/discussion is what the answers will contain, unless and until a Stack Exchange team member posts an official answer announcing the deployment or rejection of the feature.

Rather than being a descriptor in its own right, the tag is more of a fallback or "catch-all" when nothing else fits. If your question isn't either a request or a , then it's a . In other words, if you can be more specific than , then you should be.

Regardless of how it's tagged, a good feature request needs to at least attempt to justify why the proposed feature is a good idea.

In the specific case you're citing, I'd say that question is probably more of a question than a feature request, though. They're asking for help on using the site. Look at the very first line: the asker is wondering if there's a way to do something. Answers should either describe the way, or clarify that there is no way to do that.

  • So the correct action with the specific question should have been rather retagging as support finally? Commented Dec 5, 2019 at 0:25
  • 3
    Yes, that's what I would have done. A support request answered with "no, this is not possible" may lead to a feature request, but they're not the same thing.
    – Cody Gray
    Commented Dec 5, 2019 at 0:29

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