I'm trying to download a data portability export archive for my account.
I submitted my original request via https://stackoverflow.com/legal/gdpr/request on Jan 22 18:00, it began processing Jan 22 18:14, and on Mar 3 12:13 UTC I finally got a confirmation that it had finished and was available for me to download.
However, when I tried to download it, once I click "Click here to download a copy of your data" on the page linked to in the confirmation e-mail (as well as from the "Reference" number on the request page), all I get is https://stackoverflow.com/error?aspxerrorpath=/legal/gdpr/request/GDPR-P20200122-XXXX/download (sanitized here) which says:
Oops! Something Bad Happened!
We apologize for any inconvenience, but an unexpected error occurred while you were browsing our site.
It’s not you, it’s us. This is our fault.
Detailed information about this error has automatically been recorded and we have been notified.
Yes, we do look at every error. We even try to fix some of them.
It’s not strictly necessary, but if you’d like to give us additional information about this error, do so at our feedback site, https://meta.stackoverflow.com.
I tried several times to download the archive, but got the same error each time.
I also tried making a brand new data access request, which finished reasonably promptly (a bit over ten minutes) but which gives the same error message when I try to download it.