The usual application of quoting on most of the sites is to quote someone's sayings. It can be conversation, articles, webpage, newspaper or books etc. Now if we talk about sites about religions, every religions have some sacred/holy texts (called scripture e.g. bible for Christianity) on which we can say whole the religion may be based on. In other words we can say those texts are believed to be highest authority for concepts and practice of particular religion.
So, while answering questions on religion sites, experts do cite texts (usually in the poetry form called verse) from scriptures to backup their answers. This citations are considered to be authoritative/reliable sources. Thus, scriptural quote has profound significance in answering on religion sites.
As we know that background for block quoted text has recently changed. The quoted text now looks as follows: (quoting a verse from Kena Upanishad for example purpose)
ātmānaṁ rathinaṁ viddhi śarīraṁ rathameva tu ।
uddhiṁ tu sārathiṁ viddhi manaḥ pragrahameva ca ॥1-III-3. Know the Self to be the master of the chariot, and the body to be the chariot. Know the intellect to be the charioteer, and the mind to be the reins.
This doesn't sound like quoting scriptural text. The scriptural quotes should look like we are citing from scriptures. For example:
Here the background used is an image of blank page of old book page which matches with how ancient manuscripts look. ( see the sample for example). I think this type of background would be more suitable on religion sites.
So, how about having (or can we have) old-book-page type background for quoting scriptures on Christianity.SE, Judaism.SE, Hinduism.SE, Islam.SE and Buddhism.SE?
If this type of background looks somewhat ugly then one may design the cooler one. What I want to emphasize is "It should look like reading an ancient sacred scripture"
Though this is about changing background for quoted text, if possible, it would be useful if we have separate quote format for normal quote <blockquote>
(which we already have) and scriptural quote (introducing something like <scripturalquote>
Note: Anyway, If we can't have such a background image discussed above we can revert to the previous yellowish background for religion sites. I think the previous one would work better that the newer one.