I went to check some of my queries against UNIX & Linux this morning and noticed that the results all had dates older than a week. Going to rene's "did the SEDE refresh work?" query, I see that U&L is among the sites whose most recent posts/comments are 2020-04-19 instead of 2020-04-26, as expected. Partial results of incompletely-refreshed sites are:
StackExchange.Meta 2020-04-19 05:15:09 comments
StackExchange.Ubuntu 2020-04-19 05:08:40 comments
StackExchange.Stats 2020-04-19 05:06:54 comments
StackExchange.Ubuntu 2020-04-19 05:02:17 posts
StackExchange.Programmers 2020-04-19 04:51:22 comments
StackExchange.Programmers 2020-04-19 04:48:14 posts
StackExchange.Gaming 2020-04-19 04:46:57 posts
StackExchange.Stats 2020-04-19 04:40:08 posts
StackExchange.Meta 2020-04-19 04:36:48 posts
StackExchange.English 2020-04-19 04:34:46 comments
StackExchange.Math 2020-04-19 04:32:38 comments
StackExchange.Tex 2020-04-19 04:25:59 posts
StackExchange.Math 2020-04-19 04:22:14 posts
StackExchange.Tex 2020-04-19 04:19:32 comments
StackExchange.Unix 2020-04-19 04:17:12 comments
StackExchange.English 2020-04-19 04:15:42 posts
StackExchange.Unix 2020-04-19 04:15:31 posts
StackExchange.Gis 2020-04-19 04:14:44 posts
StackExchange.Electronics 2020-04-19 04:11:13 comments
Sorting by date doesn't make it obvious to me where the refresh died/stopped, but hopefully this post alerts the correct people.