That's a problem with YQL, not with Stack Overflow Careers, which uses YQL to map free text input to places.
See the results of a search probably a lot like the one Careers uses by entering:
select * from geo.places where text="Osijek, Osječko-baranjska, Croatia"
into the console.
For which my output is:
"query": {
"count": "1",
"created": "2010-01-07T07:30:09Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"updated": "2010-01-07T07:30:09Z",
"uri": "*+from+geo.places+where+text%3D%22Osijek%2C+Osje%C4%8Dko-baranjska%2C+Croatia%22",
"diagnostics": {
"publiclyCallable": "true",
"url": {
"execution-time": "45",
"content": ";start=0;count=10"
"user-time": "46",
"service-time": "45",
"build-version": "4265"
"results": {
"place": {
"lang": "en-US",
"uri": "",
"woeid": "849471",
"placeTypeName": {
"code": "7",
"content": "Town"
"name": "Esseg",
"country": {
"code": "HR",
"type": "Country",
"content": "Croatia"
"admin1": {
"code": "",
"type": "County",
"content": "Osje\u010dko-baranjska"
"admin2": {
"code": "",
"type": "District",
"content": "Osijek"
"admin3": null,
"locality1": {
"type": "Town",
"content": "Esseg"
"locality2": null,
"postal": null,
"centroid": {
"latitude": "45.558449",
"longitude": "18.676491"
"boundingBox": {
"southWest": {
"latitude": "45.539742",
"longitude": "18.629290"
"northEast": {
"latitude": "45.572811",
"longitude": "18.742430"
Unfortunately, it seems like the Yahoo! folks don't have much interest in fixing this...