When editing a question on History of Science and Mathematics, I observed that a link which was not rendered in the post was hyperlinked in the edit preview (see pictures below). I tried reproducing it in the Sandbox to see if this also happens when the post is posted for the first time and observed the same.
It seems to be a bug after the shift to CommonMark, leading to the different rendering of links on client and server-side. A link following a special character (without any space) is not hyperlinked in the post but is hyperlinked in the preview. A link separated from the special character with a white space appears to have no such problem. (see pictures below and my Sandbox post).
, other characters like[
before thehttps://
also seem to be a difference between editor vs. render. Editor preview shows links clickable, final rendered post doesn't, when surrounded by [] turned out to be a duplicate of this.; % - # &