This may be a controversial question, but I think it is important to know the opinion of the community (and hopefully of SE) on this.
In the comments on a recent answer to another question, I have seen some users discussing the possibility of teaming up to flag comments and posts they deem inappropriate, in order to trigger the automatic deletion of those posts due to reaching the flag threshold (comments are automatically deleted after 3+score/3 flags, and posts are automatically deleted after 6 "spam" or "rude or abusive" flags). Note that I am not against the particular goal of these users. I just want to discuss the appropriateness of coordinated flagging in general.
On the one hand, there exist already on the big sites coordinated efforts to close or delete posts with the aim of keeping the site clean and clearing the review queues (CURED on Math.SE, and SOCVR on SO). These efforts are viewed as a good thing because they keep the sites clean. It might then be natural to also allow coordinated flagging.
On the other hand, flag-based actions have a stronger effect on the authors of the posts. Deleted comments cannot be seen by almost anyone, and flag-deleted posts lead to a -100 reputation penalty. Coordinated flagging gives a group of 3 to 6 users some powers that only moderators have (i.e., delete comments). These users have not been elected, and it might happen they make deletion decisions that do not represent what the majority of the community wants. My interpretation of the flag threshold is that, if enough users independently decide that a post is rude/spam, then it probably is. However, if this decision is not independent, then this argument does not necessarily hold anymore.
So what are the thoughts of the community and of SE on coordinated flagging? Is it a good thing under some circumstances? Or should it be prevented?