Possible Duplicate:
Where did the “community wiki” name came from? And should we change it?
I suggest renaming Community Wiki to No-Rewards Zone. That would make it clear what it's really about: Questions that are marked as community wiki do not affect any user's reputation, your user score does not go up or down for asking or answering in such a zone.
The new name would make the concept easy to understand, and the (rightly) confused questions by newcomers would disappear.
They ask:
How is that a wiki? It doesn't look like Wikipedia, for example?
Oh, it's a wiki because you can edit other users' questions and answers? Hmm, don't people always do that on stackoverflow? I've seen people editing other questions all over the place?
Sure, 'wiki' questions have a lower reputation threshold for editing, but that's not a fundamental difference that would justify the name wiki for some but not others. Also, it's not necessary: I think the threshold for editing a question should be the same everywhere. It's even confusing for newcomers to be able to edit some questions but not others. (They typically don't notice these different question categories.)
Update: Some people misunderstood my post, thinking that I said that community wiki questions are useless or without value. It's far from what I said. I think community questions can be as useful as other questions. It is a fact, however, that you cannot gain reputation from asking or answering a community wiki question. That's what the new name is supposed to reflect.