Having yet again rejected a small edit[1] on a recently closed question because it will kill the OP's chances of it reaching a correct review to reopen, I wondered if it would be possible to inform editors if they attempt this.
Editing of recently closed questions for relevant background to this.
Of course, in an ideal world, the more experienced reviewers will always reject the edits - but the editor will presumable never find out why.
It's been a while since I was new enough to see what notification you might get on a review, whether successful, or otherwise, but as I recall it's nothing more than 2 points popping up in your score dock… or not, by which time you've probably forgotten.
Perhaps for all editors, not just new users, who attempt an edit on a closed post within 5 days of its closure?
Some notification along the lines of
"Any edit to a closed post will promote it to the Reopen Review queue; thus depriving the original author of the chance to have any relevant informational edit to their question reviewed for reopening.
Closed, edited posts only have one chance to be reviewed for reopening."
My wording could probably be improved
[1] An otherwise perfectly acceptable edit, which would have raised the question back to the top of the Active list, but caused no other issues.
There is this, related Meta - Set a rep threshold for editing closed questions? suggesting a different approach; one I'm not keen on, especially as low rep doesn't always signify new user to Stack Exchange, maybe just a stack in which a more generally experienced user has a relatively small interest.