You can use the Stack Exchange Data Explorer to query for some 'categories'.
I've combined the most common data that is available and is not anonymized. The query can be extended by adding extra unions.
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
create table #dbs( name nvarchar(max)
, userid int)
select @sql = 'insert into #dbs ' + string_agg(concat(
select ''',convert(nvarchar(max),quotename(name)),N''' [site]
, id
from ', convert(nvarchar(max),quotename(name)), N'.dbo.users u
where u.accountid = ##accountid?2058265##
,N' union all ')
from sys.databases
where database_id > 5
exec (@sql)
select @sql = concat(N'
select name [Category]
, sum([cnt]) [Grand total per cat.]
from (' ,
select ''', name ,N''' [site]
, pt.Name
, count(*) [cnt]
from ', name, N'.dbo.posts p
inner join ', name , N'.dbo.posttypes pt
on = p.posttypeid
inner join ', name , N'.dbo.users u
on = p.owneruserid
where p.owneruserid = ', userid, N'
group by name
union all
select ''',name ,N''' [site]
, vt.Name
, count(*) [cnt]
from ', name, N'.dbo.votes v
inner join ', name, N'.dbo.votetypes vt
on = v.votetypeid
where v.userid = ', userid, N'
group by name
union all
select ''',name,N''' [site]
, case b.class
when 1 then case when b.tagbased = 1 then ''Gold Tag badge'' else ''Gold badge'' end
when 2 then case when b.tagbased = 1 then ''Silver Tag badge'' else ''Silver badge'' end
when 3 then case when b.tagbased = 1 then ''Bronze Tag badge'' else ''Bronze badge'' end
, count(*) [cnt]
from ', name, N'.dbo.badges b
where b.userid = ', userid, N'
group by b.class, b.tagbased
union all
select ''',name ,N''' [site]
, ''Comments ''
, count(*) [cnt]
from ', name, N'.dbo.comments c
where c.userid = ', userid, N'
union all
select ''',name ,N''' [site]
, ''Upvotes cast''
, upvotes [cnt]
from ', name, N'.dbo.users u
where = ', userid, N'
union all
select ''',name ,N''' [site]
, ''Downvotes cast''
, downvotes [cnt]
from ', name, N'.dbo.users u
where = ', userid, N'
union all
select ''',name ,N''' [site]
, ''Reputation''
, reputation [cnt]
from ', name, N'.dbo.users u
where = ', userid, N'
union all
select ''',name ,N''' [site]
, ''Suggested edits''
, count(*) [cnt]
from ', name, N'.dbo.suggestededits s
where s.owneruserid = ', userid, N'
,N' union all ')
, N') data
group by name
order by 2 desc
from #dbs
print @sql
exec (@sql)
When run today this is the result for your account:
Keep in mind SEDE is updated once a week, on Sunday.
Give a big shout-out to Monica Cellio for the awesome SEDE Tutorial she wrote.
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